The Best Mobile Mechanics in San Francisco, CA

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10 Best Mobile Mechanics in San Francisco, CA

(725 Reviews)
16 years


Oil Change


by Matt from San Francisco, CA 94103

Alfred was great; second time with his help. He was communicative, knowledgable, and efficient. Had a question about my water pump/thermostat and he was able to walk me thru what needs worked on next. Highly recommend for Audi repairs.




by Stacey from San Francisco, CA 94110

Super convenient service, and Alfred was friendly, professional, punctual, and knowledgeable. Highly recommended.

(523 Reviews)
37 years


by Sarah from San Francisco, CA 94121

🌺Thank you so much Lavell!!! You put my daughter’s car back together with such a professional flair🤙 obviously you are a fine mechanic, and human being. We would have given you 100 stars if we could have. Your company is privileged to have you. All the way from Kona Hawaii I send you, Mahalo Nui Loa, kind sir 🤙🌺


Install a NAPA Battery Maintainer...


by Richard from San Francisco, CA 94105

Extremely knowledgeabale, polite. Explained everything. went the extra mile to go get the parts needed. Would like to use him all the time and recommend to all my friends and family however at 82 years old thereis not many of them left.


(473 Reviews)
44 years


by Daniel from San Francisco, CA 94117

Grzegorz is awesome. He's very thorough and has helped get my car back on the road. He explained everything and gave great suggestions on how to keep my car running well.


by Valentin from San Francisco, CA 94118

Grzegorz is a very trustworthy mechanic. He explained a lot and was very nice. U watched him doing the work because i originally wanted to do it by myself and he is a very careful and clean worker. I absolutely cab recommend him

(418 Reviews)
19 years


by Jason from San Francisco, CA 94109

Incredibly knowledgable, friendly. He gave me a LOT of confidence when fixing my car. I would only book this mechanic from yourmechanic in the future if I he is available.




by LaNiesha from San Francisco, CA 94117

I was really worried after I booked the appointment and later on saw the low ratings and reviews . I decided to just keep the appointment and hope for the best and that's what I got . Chris was really great and he replaced my starter in less than an hour. He was pleasant to talk to and I didn't feel like he would try to get over on me because I'm a woman. ( believe me it happens) We will definitely go for " your mechanic " again IF we can get Chris!

(251 Reviews)
25 years


UberX Inspection and Oil Change Package


by Cynthia from San Francisco, CA 94110

Tam was professional and very good at his job. He was very clear about the process. I would recommend Tam to anyone. He is polite and really knows what he is doing.


My car keeps notifying me that my...


by Nelli from San Francisco, CA 94123

Tam was great! Very helpful, thorough and knowledgeable. He did a great job. I'd call him if I had another car problem and I'd recommend him to a friend.

(233 Reviews)
15 years


Mechanic Consultation


by Stephanie from San Francisco, CA 94103

James was phenomenal, best mechanic we ever had in our whole lives. He was quick and sharp as a tack while we were in a pinch. He was cost conscious, called when he said he would, great personality, knowledgeable and cautious. He helped us understand what was going on too! Sad I'm moving away from the area, or he'd be our Mechanic for sure! Will use this service up north where I'm headed though. Can't speak highly enough of James. The very best, extremely pleased with our experience!!!!!! 10/10!!!!!!


Oil Change


by Andy from San Francisco, CA 94116

James called ahead to let me know he was arriving early. He did the work professionally and neatly, and made a thorough visual inspection of my car. He took the time to discuss other possible problems with my car, and emailed me quotes for additional repairs. James is knowledgeable, professional and friendly.

(82 Reviews)
12 years


Brake Pads


by Robert from San Francisco, CA 94128

Jose does excellent work and I would recommend him to anyone that needs work done on there vehicle

(41 Reviews)
28 years


Oil Change


by Peter from San Francisco, CA 94103

Only comment is that the odometer reading sent in a follow up email along with "maintenance recommendations" was wrong. It is way off along with the estimated miles per day. I bike the estimated miles per day, not drive!-P So presumably the suggested maintenance is also wrong. Strangely it then has a link to enter your odometer reading, so not sure if that was totally random message. It made me go back and look at the service report which actually has the correct odometer reading so I guess that maintenance recommendation email seems to be totally random/phishing. But speaking of odometer reading on oil change, although I understand this is an online based service, no sticker/info about the next recommended oil change odometer reading (most oil change places do that).


Oil Change


by Anthony from San Francisco, CA 94103

Nice perk. Doesn't address a real need.Today was free and I'm happy that your investors want to subsidize me. The survey question "Successfully fix/diagnose the problem?" is ill-chosen--how am I to judge whether your mechanic correctly changed the oil, used quality products, etc.?


(18 Reviews)
29 years


by Lance from San Francisco, CA 94112

Got the job done expertly. The car had sat for a week while I went around and round trying to diagnose what was wrong. Called everyone I knew for advice and was ready to concede defeat. There was much uncertainty as to whether I would ever get my car going without spending much much more than I could afford. I was prepared to call, with phone in hand, and have the vehicle towed to an unknown repair shop when (true story) I got the call from the inquiry I had made to the website of Your Mechanic. Just in time. Saved the day. Everything went smoothly from that point on and I am more than satisfied at how this all worked out. To me, this is now the only way to have service work or engine repair work diagnosed and repaired. Clearly Jonathan and Your Mechanic proved themselves to me.


Oil Change


by David from San Francisco, CA 94103

Excellent honest comprehensive report

(16 Reviews)
39 years


Spark Plugs


by Lee from San Francisco, CA 94122

We were very impressed with the quality of his work. Jerome was extremely careful about doing spark plug installation the correct way. He used Anti seize on the plugs and used the silicone grease on the extensions. Jerome started the car up and listened for 5 minutes to make sure everything was all right. Needless to say, we are very happy about his work and are very happy with your company.


by dobrina from San Francisco, CA 94102

I had such a great experiance with this service! I will definetly use it again! Thanks Jermome!

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Welcome to YourMechanic, where we're all about making vehicle service easy and accessible. No need to worry about towing or going to a shop - our mobile services bring the repair shop right to your doorstep. Trust is essential when it comes to your car's performance and safety, so take a look at what some of our satisfied customers have to say about us. When it comes to car maintenance and repair, convenience and reliability are absolutely crucial. That's where YourMechanic stands out as the leader in the mobile car maintenance and repair industry. Experience the benefits of choosing a trusted mobile mechanic like YourMechanic for all your vehicle maintenance and repair needs. Whether it's a routine check-up or a major repair, we offer over 500 services to keep your vehicle in top condition, we’ll also keep you covered with a 12-Month or 12,000 mile warranty. Don't hesitate - book your first service appointment today or learn more about why YourMechanic is the go-to choice for mobile car maintenance and repairs.

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