hello - yes, this could be the fuel pump failing, but could also be the fuel pump fuse(s) or relay (https://www.yourmechanic.com/question/-relay-keeps-getting-hot-and-turning-truck-off-by-luis-r). Either of these would cause the fuel pump to stop working, even if it was good. I recommend a...
Hello and thanks for writing in. Depending on what the vehicle does when trying to start it may help to narrow this down. If it produces a click sound, this may be related to a faulty starter solenoid. If it...
Sounds like you might have an electrical issue. If all 4 wires on the relay had power, there is something wrong with the wiring. The relay wires should have ground on two wires, power on one wire and switched power...
This may be related to a weak battery or a faulty starter relay. The starter relay directs power from the battery to the starter solenoid which then engages the starter when you turn the key. When this is not working...
Hey there, thanks for asking about your 2002 Ford Crown Victoria. Burned wires can signify that there has likely been a short somewhere in the electrical system. Often times when this happens, it is quite easy for the car's computer...
This may potentially be a faulty starter solenoid or relay depending on the symptoms. The starter solenoid is located on the starter and has internal electrical contacts that transmit electricity to the starter. When this fails, it may cause a...
I don't have the wiring diagram for this vehicle handy, but one thing to check is the brake light switch. Hyundai actually issues a recall on these switches. I suggest you call the dealer with the VIN of your vehicle...
It sounds like you may have a small leak somewhere, possibly one of the rear airbags. Aside from that, there is a relay behind one of the headlights that controls the air compressor. If you get power at the relay...
This vehicle is not equipped with a battery saver relay and interior lights are controlled by a lighting control module if equipped or operated manually.
The switch contacts are welded (stuck) shut OR the circuit is being powered due to a wiring fault or some sort of short. It is also possible that relay contacts in the wiper circuit are stuck on, regardless of switch...
The click noise you hear is the starter relay working but it may not be sending power to the starter solenoid. You would need to try and replace the starter relay (https://www.yourmechanic.com/services/starter-relay-replacement) that is clicking and see if it cranks....
Hi - Check the ignition switch (https://www.yourmechanic.com/services/ignition-switch-replacement). You are going to have one wire from the fuel pump relay (https://www.yourmechanic.com/services/fuel-pump-relay-replacement) to the ignition switch. As you turn the key on, this is what powers the relay to turn on the...
A fault in the circuit, such as a stuck closed (fused) switch or relay is causing the circuit to stay powered on even after you have commanded the circuit off through the combination switch. To isolate the faulty component, please...
Hello. Engine detonation and power loss can be caused by a few different things. Keep in mind that engine detonation can quickly become a bigger issue if left unchecked, and in serious cases can even lead to engine damage. It...
It sounds like you will need to have the starter (https://www.yourmechanic.com/services/starter-replacement) checked. You'll need to check if the click is coming from the starter solenoid on the starter or the relay (https://www.yourmechanic.com/services/starter-relay-replacement) in the power relay box in the engine...
This may potentially be related to a faulty starter relay. This is a unit that directs power from the battery to the starter solenoid which then engages the starter when you turn the key. When this is not working properly,...
If your blower doesn't work on ANY speed setting, then yes, the blower motor fuse or a relay (https://www.yourmechanic.com/services/blower-motor-relay-replacement) is the likely problem. The relay is on the main fuse panel. It is also possible the motor has enough grit...
You may have a sticking EFI relay in the main fuse box in the engine compartment. This relay if stuck on can keep power to the computer to turn on check engine light. Replace the relay and then retest.
If a mechanic told you only that the compressor is not "engaging" that is essentially a useless diagnostic because it is too cryptic and too vague. The compressor in the system will only operate if the compressor clutch is engaged....