Very much aware of my time. Was on time and promptly set out to do the task at hand. Very kind nature. Explained other concerns and what I should expect. Would ask for Simon to service my car again.
Our certified Scion mobile mechanics perform over 600 services, including diagnostics, brakes, belts, oil changes, 30k/60k/90k maintenances, and will come to you with all necessary parts and tools.
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It is always a concerning situation to have your car break down, it is even worse when that happens on the freeway! Luckily, getting your car inspected by a certified mechanic can bring some needed relief with such a situation....
Hi there. It sounds like your tire may be what's called "cupping". That's when cup like patterns are worn into the tire causing it to vibrate and shake the car. I would inspect the tire for cupping and if they...
It sounds as though the electrical part of the ignition switch is loosing contact internally; this will need to be verified, and the switch will possibly need to be replaced. I recommend you have a mechanic, like one from YourMechanic,...
Hello. Your car can idle low from a number of reasons. If the check engine light is not on then it may be something simple. I would start by checking the air filter and replacing it if it is dirty....