The Best Mobile Mechanics in Montverde, FL

Our certified mechanics come to you · Backed by 12-month, 12,000-mile guarantee · Fair and transparent pricing

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Car Makes We Service in Montverde

6 Best Mobile Mechanics in Montverde, FL

(830 Reviews)
23 years


by Charles from Montverde, FL 34756

Arrived on time and found the starting problem in good time

(535 Reviews)
33 years


by Roseann from Montverde, FL 34756

he arrived early and got my car running with instruction on how to move forward. Having one car, Getting my car up and running was extremely important for me and my husband. Very professional


by Karla from Montverde, FL 34756

I wish I had known about your services before. Jimmi replaced the distributor, spark plugs , wires and cleaned outside of engine from oil leaking from the distributor. I'm going to have Jimmi come back and take care of some other issues on my car.

(296 Reviews)
16 years


by Dawn from Orlando, FL 32809

I would definately have Wilson work on my car again.I was having an issue with my bank card and he was very patient with us. He is very professional and an awesome mechanic.


by Michael from Orlando, FL 32832

Hey YOU! Yeah the fellow sceptic who might think this is just another questionable website. Pay attention: Attentive with his questions to narrow down the problem and also providing recomendations to help you save your money. Wilson breaks down what you need to know, doesn't try to confuse you with extra side notes in an attempt to make you spend extra. It's an official legitimate website with genuine service from whom I have observed to be honest average joes that are like that one car-savvey neighbor you always see on your block but unlike him, this one can be relied on to be there when you need him because he respects you the client.

(205 Reviews)
14 years


by Brian from Montverde, FL 34756

Braxton was on time and very knowledgeable. He fixed the problem and I would call on him again.

(111 Reviews)
9 years


by Thelma from Orlando, FL 32805

He explained and also told what else needs to be done that was more important with the car than letting me focus on the things I knew, so I can get this car started.


by Rosie from Orlando, FL 32835

Kevin showed up earlier than the time indicated (a plus in my book). He test drove the car and did an inspection and he was very thorough and carefully answered all questions or concerns that I may have had. He was very professional and knew what he was doing. I feel pleased with the services provided so far and have booked him to do the repairs.


(4 Reviews)
7 years


Oil Change


by Shane from Winter Garden, FL 34787

Christian was incredible. Early with appropriate communication. Knowledge, kind, willing to answer questions, make suggestions for proper car care, incredibly informative. Super friendly.


by Sigurd from Gotha, FL 34734

Christian did a great job and explained everything as he went along

Excellent Auto Repair Ratings

1000+ positive reviews nationwide

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Montverde Auto Repair

Service Hours

7 AM - 9 PM

7 days a week

Phone Number

1 (844) 997-3624

Phone Hours

6 AM - 5 PM PST

Mon - Fri

7 AM - 4 PM PST

Sat - Sun


We come to you at no extra charge


12-month/12,000-mile warranty

Our certified mobile mechanics perform over 600 services, including diagnostics, brakes, belts, oil changes, 30k/60k/90k maintenances, and will come to you with all necessary parts and tools.
Get a fair transparent quote instantly before booking.

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YourMechanic: The Industry Leader In Mobile Vehicle Repair, Maintenance, and Inspections

Welcome to YourMechanic, where we're all about making vehicle service easy and accessible. No need to worry about towing or going to a shop - our mobile services bring the repair shop right to your doorstep. Trust is essential when it comes to your car's performance and safety, so take a look at what some of our satisfied customers have to say about us. When it comes to car maintenance and repair, convenience and reliability are absolutely crucial. That's where YourMechanic stands out as the leader in the mobile car maintenance and repair industry. Experience the benefits of choosing a trusted mobile mechanic like YourMechanic for all your vehicle maintenance and repair needs. Whether it's a routine check-up or a major repair, we offer over 500 services to keep your vehicle in top condition, we’ll also keep you covered with a 12-Month or 12,000 mile warranty. Don't hesitate - book your first service appointment today or learn more about why YourMechanic is the go-to choice for mobile car maintenance and repairs.

Contact YourMechanic today at 1 (844) 997-3624 or

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