Thomas did a great job with changing my oil, replacing my fuel pump, air filter, and cabin air filter! He communicated with me, kept me informed, and was very professional.
Our certified Audi mobile mechanics perform over 600 services, including diagnostics, brakes, belts, oil changes, 30k/60k/90k maintenances, and will come to you with all necessary parts and tools.
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The EPC Light is for the electronic throttle body. You need to have a qualified technician check the codes on the computer to determine the problem. You may just have a loose vacuum hose connected to the intake. The ABS...
While you may be jumping your battery correctly, your Audi A3 is equipped with an immobilizer that keeps the vehicle from being started without use of the proper key programmed for the vehicle. What you are describing sounds like a...
If you have a manual transmission you may have an issue with your clutch. Automatic or manual transmissions can have electrical issues causing gear selection to be difficult. The jump you are referring to sounds like a hard shift. You...
While having a good battery is a great way to make sure your car is starting great, it is only one of many components that assist in getting your car running. If you have verified that you have a good...