Suzuki SX4 Crossover service by top-rated mechanics at the convenience of your home or office

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How much does Suzuki SX4 Crossover repair and maintenance cost?

The cost depends on your car, the type of service, and where you live. Here are estimates for a selection of Suzuki SX4 Crossover services.

Service Estimate Savings Dealer Estimate Location
Service type Differential / Gear Oil - Rear Replacement for 2012 Suzuki SX4 Crossover L4-2.0L Estimate $205 Savings 23.54% Dealer Estimate $268 Location Mission Hills, CA
Service type Ignition Coil Replacement for 2012 Suzuki SX4 Crossover L4-2.0L Estimate $815 Savings 44.81% Dealer Estimate $1477 Location Kansas City, MO
Service type Windshield Wiper Motor - Rear Replacement for 2012 Suzuki SX4 Crossover L4-2.0L Estimate $406 Savings 37.91% Dealer Estimate $654 Location Mount Airy, MD
Service type Exterior Door Handle - Driver Side Rear Replacement for 2012 Suzuki SX4 Crossover L4-2.0L Estimate $259 Savings 30.10% Dealer Estimate $371 Location Orlando, FL
Service type Steering Rack/Gearbox Replacement for 2012 Suzuki SX4 Crossover L4-2.0L Estimate $1491 Savings 43.45% Dealer Estimate $2637 Location Dallas, NC
Service type Brake Caliper - Passenger Side Front Replacement for 2012 Suzuki SX4 Crossover L4-2.0L Estimate $428 Savings 28.70% Dealer Estimate $601 Location Highland, IN
Service type Brake Light Switch Replacement for 2012 Suzuki SX4 Crossover L4-2.0L Estimate $194 Savings 16.91% Dealer Estimate $233 Location Vancouver, WA
Service type Spark Plug Replacement for 2012 Suzuki SX4 Crossover L4-2.0L Estimate $273 Savings 31.24% Dealer Estimate $398 Location San Diego, CA

Fast and easy Suzuki SX4 Crossover services at your home or office.

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Answers to common Suzuki SX4 Crossover questions

Car accelerated on its own, increasing RPMs & speed
Answered by Robert
Hello. There are a few possible causes of this but most of the time it is caused by a failing throttle body ( If the throttle plate sticks and does not return to the correct position then the vehicle will...
After 20-30 miles driving, squeaking sound begins
Answered by Spencer
Hello there. This is a common fault with the Suzuki Vitara. The most likely causes for the squeaking noise would be the drive belt (, axle (, tensioner (, or idler pulley ( Any of these can increase in noise...
Under load low power
Answered by Jeff
What you are describing sounds like you may have a clogged or damaged catalytic converter. The catalytic converter ( converts toxic exhaust gases into less harmful pollutants that are suitable to be expelled into the atmosphere. When the catalytic converter...
Car starts but keeps dying
Answered by Jeff
It sounds like you may have a dirty or faulty idle control valve ( or potentially a fuel pressure problem. The idle air control valve ( monitors the air intake as it is mixed with fuel prior to being injected...

Fast and easy Suzuki SX4 Crossover services at your home or office.

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