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P0760 is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) for "Shift Solenoid C Malfunction". This can happen for multiple reasons and a mechanic needs to diagnose the specific cause for this code to be triggered in your situation. Our certified mobile mechanics can come to your home or office to perform the Check Engine Light diagnostic for $154.99 . Once we are able to diagnose the problem, you will be provided with an upfront quote for the recommended fix and receive $50.0 off as a credit towards the repair. All our repairs are backed by our 12-month / 12,000-mile warranty.
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This code is stored when the vehicle’s PCM becomes aware of an irregularity in shift solenoid C.
Shift solenoids are vital to the functioning of your vehicle’s computer-controlled automatic transmission. It uses them to manage the movement of fluid between various hydraulic circuits and activate a change in transmission gear ratio when necessary. Those different gears are necessary to get the best possible fuel efficiency, maximize the performance of your engine and decrease the speed of your vehicle.
Code setting parameters are different across all makes and models. However, almost all of them utilize calculations based on engine load, throttle position, engine speed and vehicle speed so as to pick the correct gear ratio.
It’s when the desired ratio doesn’t fall in line with the actual ratio identified that the P0760 code gets stored. The Check Engine Light may also be activated, but certain vehicles will only do this after multiple ratio discrepancies.
There are at least seven fairly common reasons a vehicle may store a P0760 code: * Hydraulic blockages obstructing the fluid passages inside the internal terminal * A defective shift solenoid * Low transmission fluid * Internal transmission failures * Transmission fluid that is dirty or contaminated * Low levels of transmission fluid * A broken PCM
Many drivers may not notice any symptoms after a P0760 code is stored. Others will be unable to shift their transmission into or out of any given gear. If it is possible to shift, a lot of drivers will still have a difficult time of it. Transmission slippage is also very common, as is overheating.
The vehicle may automatically be sent into “limp-in” mode by the transmission controller in order to avoid overheating and similar damage. This mode caps the amount of RPMs you can reach so you don’t push the vehicle too hard when it can’t even shift. As a result, you won’t be able to reach very high speeds. When a vehicle can’t shift properly, it’s only a matter of time before fuel efficiency takes a hit too.
A mechanic would use a scanner and ohmmeter to get a read on this code. They will then inspect the vehicle’s transmission fluid, checking to see if there is enough of it and what state it is in.
Next, they’ll move onto the actual transmission and then its harness. The transmission’s high pressure pump will need special attention too. All wiring and connectors will have to be examined as well.
Defective shift solenoid circuits can malfunction and cause the code, which is fairly easy to repair. However, many mechanics make the mistake of blaming the shift solenoid and replacing that instead.
Considering it can either keep your vehicle from shifting into gears or make it extremely difficult, the problem is serious enough that you should make repairs a priority. Even if you can shift just fine right now, forcing the gears could eventually end in an expensive problem. You also don’t want your transmission to overheat and all the expensive collateral damage that will come with it. Even if all you’re dealing with at the moment is poor fuel efficiency, that should be enough to make repairs a pretty attractive proposition.
A qualified mechanic will need to do at least one of the following to get rid of the P0760 code:
Codes related to shift solenoids may also accompany the storing of this code.
YourMechanic can provide you with a certified mobile mechanic if your vehicle is suffering from issues related to the P0760 code or any other problems. Book an appointment online and receive a quote by filling out this form. You can also call us at 1-800-701-6230.
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