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P0420 is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) for "Engine Trouble Code Help Diagnostic & Repair". This can happen for multiple reasons and a mechanic needs to diagnose the specific cause for this code to be triggered in your situation. Our certified mobile mechanics can come to your home or office to perform the Check Engine Light diagnostic for $169.99 . Once we are able to diagnose the problem, you will be provided with an upfront quote for the recommended fix and receive $50.0 off as a credit towards the repair. All our repairs are backed by our 12-month / 12,000-mile warranty.
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The P0420 engine code indicates the catalyst system efficiency is below the threshold (Bank 1). A P0420 code indicates a problem with the catalytic converter, more specifically. The purpose of the catalytic converter is to break down harmful pollutants created during the combustion cycle. By using fine platinum and gold meshes to filter exhaust fumes, the catalytic converter is able to reduce the emissions expelled from the exhaust pipe.
The catalytic converter has two oxygen sensors. One oxygen sensor is positioned in front (upstream) of the catalytic converter and the other O2 sensor is positioned at the rear (downstream).
If the upstream oxygen sensor is working properly, its readings should fluctuate from when the car is at operating temperature and when running in a closed loop. If the downstream oxygen sensor is working properly, and there isn't an issue with the catalytic converter, its readings should remain steady.
When the oxygen sensors have similar readings to each other, it indicates that the catalytic converter is not working as intended. If the voltage of the downstream oxygen sensor decreases and begins to fluctuate like the upstream oxygen sensor, it means the oxygen levels are too high and the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) will store the P0420 trouble code and turn on the Check Engine Light.
It is common for a driver to experience no driveability problems when the P0420 trouble code is present. Other than the Check Engine Light being on, the symptoms of this trouble code may go unnoticed. However, if the vehicle is left in error without addressing the problem, serious damage could occur to other components.
Because there could be no driveability symptoms associated with the P0420 trouble code, it is not considered serious or dangerous to the driver. However, if the code is not addressed in a timely manner, the catalytic converter could be seriously damaged and your vehicle will not pass an emissions inspection. Because a catalytic converter repair is expensive, it is vital the P0420 trouble code is diagnosed and repaired as soon as possible. It is recommended to wait no longer than a few weeks to have the P0420 code inspected and repaired.
Though there are often no noticeable symptoms of a failure within the catalyst system, including drivability problems, there are 4 common indicators of the P0420 code:
There are several common causes of the P0420 engine code, including the following:
Here are the most common repairs needed after the cause of the P0420 code has been diagnosed:
When choosing YourMechanic, a mobile mechanic in your area will come to your home or office at your convenience to perform an inspection and fix the P0420 code.
A mechanic from YourMechanic will follow these general steps to diagnose the problem with the P0420 code:
The most common mistake when diagnosing the P0420 code is replacing the oxygen sensors before completing the diagnostic process. If another component is causing the P0420 trouble code, replacing the oxygen sensors will not fix the problem.
Problems with the ignition system, fuel system, air intake, and misfires can damage a catalytic converter if they are not addressed quickly. These components are the most common causes of the P0420 trouble code. When replacing a catalytic converter, is it a good idea to replace it with an OEM unit or an oxygen sensor replacement that is of high quality.
It is common for aftermarket oxygen sensors to fail, and when they do, the P0420 trouble code may return again. It is also a good idea to contact the manufacturer to see if your vehicle has a manufacturer warranty on parts that are related to emissions.
If your P0420 code is currently set, get a quote and schedule a P0420 diagnostic with YourMechanic below.
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