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P0004 is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) for "Fuel Volume Regulator Control Circuit High". This can happen for multiple reasons and a mechanic needs to diagnose the specific cause for this code to be triggered in your situation. Our certified mobile mechanics can come to your home or office to perform the Check Engine Light diagnostic for $154.99 . Once we are able to diagnose the problem, you will be provided with an upfront quote for the recommended fix and receive $50.0 off as a credit towards the repair. All our repairs are backed by our 12-month / 12,000-mile warranty.
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The P0004 code is associated with the electrical circuit which connects to your fuel system and is most commonly found on diesel engines.
It also may be related to other codes, such as: P0006 or P0007.
P0004 is a generic OBD-II code indicating an issue with the engine control module (ECM) not reading signals from your fuel shut-off on your fuel injection rail mounted to your engine.
The ECM uses the fuel shut-off valve to stop fuel from entering the engine when you turn it off. By doing so, it prevents your engine from continuing to run after you turn the key off (a term we call ‘dieseling’). The code will cause this problem and set a Check Engine Light.
The fuel shutoff valve "A" control circuit/open code may have several causes:
The P0004 code will produce a Check Engine Light on the instrument panel/dash and will likely cause:
P0004 is properly diagnosed with an advanced scan tool capable of factory sensor readings (not just one from an auto parts store) and a voltage meter. A qualified technician can read the data from the advanced scan tool to determine when the problem occurred, or if it is still occurring. They may clear the code and test drive the vehicle while monitoring the scan tool data to see if the fault returns or is constant.
Wiring may have to be inspected for damage (which may require) cutting open the protective covering, inspecting the wiring harness, and replacing the covering.
Based upon the conditions of the test, possibly clearing the code and performing a road test while monitoring the data, further diagnosis may be required. Diagnosis may require multiple tools such as:
Just replacing the fuel pressure shutoff valve doesn’t guarantee a successful repair and may be very expensive and labor intensive. It may be caused by several components in the electrical system and wiring as listed above or even more. A visual inspection and testing with special equipment listed above will verify your issue before unnecessarily replacing the fuel shutoff valve.
Electrical signals require evaluation by an advanced scan tool and a voltage meter to ensure that the fuel shutoff valve requires replacement or if another problem exists. Additional inspection and testing may be required.
The P0004 fault code may cause the following with your vehicle:
A qualified technician can diagnose the problem with proper tools and time to verify these potential issues and effects to your other systems.
The most common procedure to repair the P0004 code are as follows:
Connect a professional scan tool to verify the code exists.
Perform research from professional sources for testing and values based upon the code.
Check for any other fault codes which may be related to the issue.
Perhaps clear the fault codes to see which fault codes return.
Analyze scan tool data from the ECM.
Road test the vehicle while analyzing the scan tool data from the ECM with other tools attached.
Verify if the P0004 code returns or the symptoms exist.
Inspect all of the items listed above (wiring, voltages, etc.).
Further diagnose the problem with the special tools listed above if the problem appears to repeat. The signals and wiring from the sensor require analyzation to determine where the problem exists. If the signals are fine, then further testing of the the wiring, computer, or fuel system is required.
Replace the fuel shutoff valve, wiring, or what is faulty.
Any electrical related code may occur constantly or intermittently. Some fault codes will require additional time to diagnose. With this code, the solution may be simple to replace or require extensive time to diagnose and repair. Depending on your vehicle, it may take several hours to determine the root cause and repair the faulty component.
The P0004 code involves many systems and requires extensive diagnosis. After using a scan tool and monitoring the voltage readings, a qualified technician can determine if the fuel pressure regulator, wiring, or other component is at fault. With the scan tool connected, I evaluate the data while checking the voltage meter to ensure all the values are adequate, match specifications, and perform a visual inspection. If there is not a specified voltage or signal, then a further diagnosis is required.
The sensor may be the cause, wiring issues might be burning/rubbing on another engine component, rodents may have chewed through wiring anywhere in the vehicle, connectors may have shorts or damage, or you may have a bad ECM.
Vehicles with higher mileage may just need a fuel shutoff valve replacement. However, replacing parts based upon a code is not recommended and has caused problems or not resolved the issue.
YourMechanic offers certified mobile mechanics who will come to your home or office to diagnose and repair your vehicle. Get a quote and book an appointment online or speak to a service advisor at 1-800-701-6230.
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