Absolutely the best service I have ever had. Between being flexible and speedy he is very knowledgeable and I plan on recommending him to my Soldiers for assistance with anything
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Having an inoperative heated seat is not out of the ordinary. Most times the heater grid in the seat goes bad. Generally this happens over time just due to the fact that getting in and out of the seat flexes...
Hi there. Coolant can leak from a number of different spots on your vehicle. If the coolant is steadily leaking while the engine is running, then it is typically the water pump. If not then it can be the radiator,...
I would check the fuses for the starter relay. You may have a blown fuse for the starter. I would have YourMechanic come and diagnose the starting problem further (https://www.yourmechanic.com/services/car-is-not-starting-inspection).
Being unable to shift your car while it is running can be a real problem if you need to get around! While there are several components involved with moving your shifter into gear, there is actually an easy and common...