The Best Mobile Mechanics in Aurora, CO

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10 Best Mobile Mechanics in Aurora, CO

(362 Reviews)
29 years


by Christian from Aurora, CO 80012

Working with TJ was a great experience. He was friendly and helped to explain all that needed to be completed, how it was done and then answered some of my other questions after the job was completed.


by Yvonne from Aurora, CO 80018

TJ was knowlegeable and gave a thorough explanation of the work he was going to perform, as well as recommendations to ensure my vehicle will continue to run satisfactorily.


(354 Reviews)
24 years


by Latrese from Aurora, CO 80013

Nicholas was very professional, showed up on time and made sure I understood how long things would take, what was going to be done and recommendations for future work. I'll definitely use him again!!


by Alexander from Aurora, CO 80012

Very well experienced lad, he had told me every single detail about why my 65 mustang was not working. And what I need to look out for and why it's doing this and not that. I recommend him for any and every service you all may need. Very easy to talk to, went above and beyond what the job asked and I couldn't ask for a better machanic. Thankso bub.

(277 Reviews)
19 years


Oil Change


by Calvin from Aurora, CO 80017

Westley was very good. He was on time ,in fact early and we'll prepared with all tools and parts for my oil change. He took the time to place a reminder sticker on my windshield and re set my dash light. Tell him thanks again.


by Enrique from Aurora, CO 80013

I Do recommend to all. The service was excellent. The price also very competitive. Wesley (the mechanic)drove all the way back to his shop to bring a special tool he need. The work took more time than he expected and still only charged the initial price. The work was all well done. Thank you Wesley.

(277 Reviews)
15 years


Oil Pan Gasket


by Katie from Aurora, CO 80012

Al is amazing. He went above and beyond the call of duty. I'm new to owning a car and want to learn how to fix some things myself. Al let me pick his brain and watch him as he worked so I could learn. He also showed me what was wrong with the old parts and explained how that affected my vehicle. I couldn't recommend him any higher. The work itself was done well, and he was able to catch a faulty fuel filter, that if left in place would have spewed fuel all over my car's engine, as well as provide a solution.




by Jean from Aurora, CO 80011

AL was very prompt in arriving on a Sunday morning to replace my alternator and Serpentine belt. I knew he was awesome when he knew where to find my battery. He was extremely courteous, friendly, and knowledgeable with my car. He left about 45 minutes ago, and I have already told 3 people about AL and I was very thrilled with the pricing of the services. I had been quoted more than double the price at my local mechanic, plus I would have to pay for a tow to them. Thanks again AL!

(114 Reviews)
21 years


Engine Mount


by Felipe from Aurora, CO 80012

Ben is fantastic, just helped me install new engine mounts. Extremely quick and professional. Already referred him to my roommates and he has become our official mechanic, thank you Ben !


by Danny from Aurora, CO 80013

Ben arrived early again, always very prompt. Completed work ahead of his estimated time to complete. Found a loose wire on O2 sensor that he fixed, allowing me to return the one purchased for replacement. Passed emissions with flying colors. Thanks Ben you are the best.

(71 Reviews)
26 years


Water Pump


by C.J. from Aurora, CO 80015

This has been the best vehicle repair experience I have ever had. Derek was über professional, prompt at every appointment, and extremely knowledgeable. I would highly, highly recommend Derek and to anyone who doesn't do their own mechancial work on their vehicles...and maybe even to some that do.


Oil or Fluid is leaking


by Joe from Aurora, CO 80012

Derek is a true professional. I was told by other car care employees that my power steering pump needed to be replaced. Derek check the entire system and found the leak was coming from the hoses. He could have charged me to replace the pump but didn't. He saved me more than 70 percent of what the other car care folks quoted. I would recommend Derek for all your car needs.

(61 Reviews)
8 years


by Nicole from Aurora, CO 80017

He was on time, & was professional. Seems like he checked everything out, and he let me know what was needed.


Brake Pads


by Valerie from Aurora, CO 80011

Thiago communicated throughout the whole service and was friendly. Great service :), thank you!

(60 Reviews)
17 years


by Ralph from Aurora, CO 80017

Hector arrived on schedule and quickly diagnosed and fixed the issue. Hector suggested a test drive after the repair, to ensure my issue was addressed. The car is running fine now. Hector was professional, friendly and courteous.


Oil/Fluid Leak


by Christina from Aurora, CO 80016

Hector was very professional and knowledgeable. He is some one that is open, honest and one you can trust to diagnose the problem you're having. Thank you Hector!! Look forward to the next appointment.

(19 Reviews)
13 years


by Judie from Aurora, CO 80015

Zach was great. Came early but called first to see if it was ok. Seems very knowledgeable. Gave me helpful advice about other things to keep in mind.

by Jim from Aurora, CO 80012

Fast service will use his services again

(16 Reviews)
20 years


by Randall from Aurora, CO 80013

Jason was great! Very knowledgeable and professional and maintained great communication with me making sure I knew what was going on and that I understood the issue and what he was looking for. He goes above and beyond what I have ever received at any shop. Thanks for sending him. I will definitely be using him for all my car needs. I wish doctors were this thorough and patient.


Brake Pads


by Jesse from Aurora, CO 80014

Over charged me for labor when I didn't buy parts. He was going to return to bring back a lug nut cover he broke, but didn't return to do so.

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Aurora Auto Repair

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7 AM - 9 PM

7 days a week

Phone Number

1 (844) 997-3624

Phone Hours

6 AM - 5 PM PST

Mon - Fri

7 AM - 4 PM PST

Sat - Sun


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Our certified mobile mechanics perform over 600 services, including diagnostics, brakes, belts, oil changes, 30k/60k/90k maintenances, and will come to you with all necessary parts and tools.
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Welcome to YourMechanic, where we're all about making vehicle service easy and accessible. No need to worry about towing or going to a shop - our mobile services bring the repair shop right to your doorstep. Trust is essential when it comes to your car's performance and safety, so take a look at what some of our satisfied customers have to say about us. When it comes to car maintenance and repair, convenience and reliability are absolutely crucial. That's where YourMechanic stands out as the leader in the mobile car maintenance and repair industry. Experience the benefits of choosing a trusted mobile mechanic like YourMechanic for all your vehicle maintenance and repair needs. Whether it's a routine check-up or a major repair, we offer over 500 services to keep your vehicle in top condition, we’ll also keep you covered with a 12-Month or 12,000 mile warranty. Don't hesitate - book your first service appointment today or learn more about why YourMechanic is the go-to choice for mobile car maintenance and repairs.

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