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The cost depends on your car, the type of service, and where you live. Here are estimates for a selection of Mitsubishi Mighty Max services.
Service | Estimate | Savings | Dealer Estimate | Location |
Service type Serpentine/Drive Belt Replacement for 1994 Mitsubishi Mighty Max L4-2.4L | Estimate $275 | Savings 30.72% | Dealer Estimate $398 | Location Tacoma, WA |
Service type Control Arm Assembly - Rear Upper Left Replacement for 1996 Mitsubishi Mighty Max L4-2.4L | Estimate $500 | Savings 29.91% | Dealer Estimate $714 | Location Orefield, PA |
Service type Control Arm Assembly - Rear Upper Right Replacement for 1992 Mitsubishi Mighty Max V6-3.0L | Estimate $689 | Savings 30.23% | Dealer Estimate $987 | Location Pittsburg, CA |
Service type Door Lock Actuator - Driver Side Front Replacement for 1990 Mitsubishi Mighty Max L4-2.4L | Estimate $381 | Savings 18.63% | Dealer Estimate $468 | Location Oklahoma City, OK |
Service type Car Battery Terminal Ends Replacement for 1990 Mitsubishi Mighty Max L4-2.4L | Estimate $170 | Savings 14.00% | Dealer Estimate $197 | Location Chicago, IL |
Service type Exterior Door Handle - Passenger Side Rear Replacement for 1994 Mitsubishi Mighty Max V6-3.0L | Estimate $203 | Savings 23.17% | Dealer Estimate $264 | Location Los Angeles, CA |
Service type Control Arm Assembly - Front Upper Right Replacement for 1992 Mitsubishi Mighty Max V6-3.0L | Estimate $456 | Savings 20.11% | Dealer Estimate $571 | Location Raleigh, NC |
Service type Door Lock Actuator - Passenger Side Rear Replacement for 1994 Mitsubishi Mighty Max V6-3.0L | Estimate $356 | Savings 17.84% | Dealer Estimate $433 | Location Colonia, NJ |
1988 Mitsubishi Mighty Max L4-2.6L
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