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P2170 is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) for "Exhaust Press Regulator Vent Solenoid Control Circuit Low". This can happen for multiple reasons and a mechanic needs to diagnose the specific cause for this code to be triggered in your situation. Our certified mobile mechanics can come to your home or office to perform the Check Engine Light diagnostic for $154.99 . Once we are able to diagnose the problem, you will be provided with an upfront quote for the recommended fix and receive $50.0 off as a credit towards the repair. All our repairs are backed by our 12-month / 12,000-mile warranty.
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Your vehicle’s control module detects that the measured values from the MAP sensor, MAF sensor, and TP sensor are not within the range of the calculated values for cylinder deactivation mode.
There are a few causes for the P2170 code. The common cause is a defective throttle position actuator, throttle position sensor, throttle actuator control motor, or pedal position sensor. Other causes may include corroded, shorted or open wiring or connectors in the throttle actuator motor or CAN Bus harness, and a broken ground wire or a loose control module ground strap.
You may notice black smoke when you start your vehicle, poor or no acceleration, misfiring when your vehicle is idle, a no start condition, or your vehicle may stall while you are driving.
First, a mechanic will scan and document the codes in your vehicle’s ECM. He or she will then diagnose the problem according to the manufacturer’s pinpoint test, which prevents injury from the throttle plates shutting on your fingers. Next the mechanic will clear the ECM code P2170 and then test to see whether the code reappears. He or she will then monitor the throttle position sensors one and two when the accelerator is depressed. He or she will do this in order to see if the TACM moves within the correct parameters. He or she will then test and confirm if the connector and wiring to the TACM are in good working order. Make sure that, if you are doing this yourself, you begin with a thorough visual inspection and make notes of what you see. Also be sure to always retest the system after you complete your repairs to make sure that the code does not reappear.
Common mistakes when diagnosing the P2170 code include clearing ECM memory codes before you check the freeze frame data. Always check the freeze frame data first, and work in the order that the codes appear. Another common mistake is moving the throttle plates by hand, which will cause other codes to appear in your vehicle’s memory. Also, make sure that you clear all ECM codes after the 2170 codes are fixed.
A P2170 is very serious and, in most instances, should be handled by a professional technician. If this code appears, you will not be able to drive your vehicle. And not only is a P2170 a serious problem, but it is also difficult to fix, requiring that you have particular diagnostic equipment. If you do not have this equipment, your best bet may be to consult a professional technician and have him or her solve the issue for you.
The most common repairs for this code are replacing the throttle actuator assembly and repairing the wiring or connection to the actuator assembly. It may also be necessary for you to replace the entire throttle body, which usually includes the throttle position sensor and the actuator motor. In addition, you may need to replace your pedal sensor. Be sure to consult your vehicle service manual for your manufacturer’s recommendations.
A P2170 can become complicated and may require that you dissemble your vehicle’s engine, which is time consuming and complicated if you do not have the proper training. Doing this on your own may involve probing thousands of circuits independently to discover the exact malfunction. Therefore, it is important to do the correct amount of research before you begin to work. If you are wanting to do this yourself, you should probably contact a professional technician to ask questions about the best way to solve your problem.
YourMechanic offers certified mobile mechanics who will come to your home or office to diagnose and repair your vehicle. Get a quote and book an appointment online at (https://www.yourmechanic.com) or speak to a service advisor at 1-800-701-6230.
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