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P2060 is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) for "Reductant Injector Air Pump Control Circuit Low". This can happen for multiple reasons and a mechanic needs to diagnose the specific cause for this code to be triggered in your situation. Our certified mobile mechanics can come to your home or office to perform the Check Engine Light diagnostic for $154.99 . Once we are able to diagnose the problem, you will be provided with an upfront quote for the recommended fix and receive $50.0 off as a credit towards the repair. All our repairs are backed by our 12-month / 12,000-mile warranty.
*Estimates may vary by market
Your vehicles' PCM has identified noxious gases coming out of the particulate filter in your diesel engine, or the catalytic converter in your gasoline engine.
The air pump injector in your vehicle sends voltage readings to the vehicle’s PCM, and the PCM recognizes those readings as wither gas pressure or temperature. Any variation that goes outside the manufacturer’s recommendations triggers a P2060 code, and your Check Engine Light may come on. With some vehicles, this may happen immediately, but with others, three or more cycles may be needed.
The most common causes are [corroded, broken, loose or burned wiring, connectors or terminals].
Other causes may include:
Short circuit in the temperature sensor
Faulty sensor
There may not be any symptoms other than the Check Engine Light being activated. You may also, though, notice [black smoke coming from your exhaust](.
First, your mechanic will apply a low-voltage ground wire to measure the increase in exhaust gas temperature. This will be done with the engine both off and on, to determine when the exhaust temperature increases or decreases.
Next, your mechanic will:
Use an OBD-II scanner and ohmmeter to diagnose the problem
Visually inspect all the connectors and wires
Re-test your vehicle to make sure that the repairs were successful
Re-scan to make sure the codes are cleared, and then test drive the vehicle to see if any codes are recorded again
If the codes re-appear, do another visual check and test drive
See if anything is burned or corroded, and then re-test once more
If problems persist, examine the PCM to determine if it is defective (this is the last resort)
The most common problems when diagnosing the P2060 code are simply cases of mistaken identity. Sometimes, the gas temperature sensor is confused with the oxygen sensor, or the mechanic assumes that the heated oxygen sensor and the gas temp sensor are integrated. When this happens, replacing the oxygen sensors will not fix the problem.
This is an exhaust issue, and accordingly, it is not life-threatening. You will, however, notice problems with engine performance, and also may find that you are paying a bit more at the gas station than you usually do, since your mileage will be affected. This is not a problem that should see you rushing in a panic to a garage to have it corrected, but if you care about the performance of your vehicle and you don’t want to spend more than you should have to at the pump, you will probably want to have it corrected as soon as it is convenient.
This is not a huge repair, and can usually be done in little time and at little cost. You may need to have corroded wiring repaired, and possibly sensors replaced. Generally speaking, a good mechanic can have you back up and running quickly, and you will not be out of pocket very much.
While not dangerous, not dealing with exhaust issues can end up costing you money and adversely affecting the performance of your vehicle. You don’t need to deal with them right away, but by the same token, you shouldn’t let this important part of your vehicle maintenance slide.
YourMechanic can help you with exhaust issues and other vehicle problems. Our qualified mechanics will come to your home or office to get your vehicle in working order. Call us at 1-800-701-6230, or use our convenient online form to book an appointment. You can rely on YourMechanic to be there for you.
Our service team is available 7 days a week, Monday - Friday from 6 AM to 5 PM PST, Saturday - Sunday 7 AM - 4 PM PST.