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P0962 is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) for "Pressure Control Solenoid A Control Circuit Low". This can happen for multiple reasons and a mechanic needs to diagnose the specific cause for this code to be triggered in your situation. Our certified mobile mechanics can come to your home or office to perform the Check Engine Light diagnostic for $154.99 . Once we are able to diagnose the problem, you will be provided with an upfront quote for the recommended fix and receive $50.0 off as a credit towards the repair. All our repairs are backed by our 12-month / 12,000-mile warranty.
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The P0962 trouble code detects an error with the pressure control solenoid A control circuit.
The P0962 code is a generic OBD-II trouble code that signals a problem with the pressure control solenoid control circuit in valve A. The pressure control solenoid is responsible for regulating hydraulic pressure in the transmission (used for torque converter lockup, and to aid shifting), based on information from the powertrain control module (PCM). The PCM determines the proper hydraulic pressure based on the vehicle and engine speed, engine load, and the throttle position. If the PCM detects a voltage from the pressure control solenoid control circuit that is abnormally low, the P0962 code will be detected.
Possible causes for the P0962 code include:
When the P0962 trouble code is detected, the vehicle’s Check Engine Light will likely illuminate. There may be some serious problems with the transmission, such as harsh shifting (especially when downshifting), an inability to shift, overheating, slippage, and frequent stalling. The vehicle will usually experience a decrease in fuel efficiency.
The P0962 trouble code will be diagnosed with the help of an OBD-II trouble code scanner. A trustworthy technician will use the scanner to look at the freeze frame data and gather information about the code. The mechanic will also check for any additional trouble codes that have been detected. In the event that there are additional codes, they should be addressed in the order in which the scanner shows them. The codes will then need to be reset, and the vehicle will be restarted, so the mechanic can see if the code returns. If it does not, then the code was likely triggered by an intermittent issue, or possibly was erroneous.
If the P0962 code does return following the reset, then the mechanic will begin by checking the vehicle’s transmission fluid. If the fluid level is too low, it will be refilled, and if it is dirty, it will be flushed out and replaced. However, if the transmission fluid is drastically contaminated, then there is likely a serious issue with the transmission, which will likely require a rebuild or a replacement.
Next, the mechanic will visually inspect the electrical components in the system, checking for any shorted or open wires, or loose or corroded connectors. All damaged components should be replaced. A manual pressure gauge can then be hooked up to the hydraulic pump system, and the mechanic can see if the pressure is below the vehicle’s specifications. If it is, this suggests a blockage issue, or a faulty pump, solenoid, or pressure regulator.
If the error remains, then a thorough inspection of the transmission is likely in order.
It’s imperative that the mechanic reset the trouble codes and restart the vehicle whenever a component is replaced. This will allow the technician to see exactly when the problem has been resolved.
The most frequently made error when assessing the P0962 code comes from a failure to properly adhere to the OBD-II diagnosis protocol. Mechanics should follow the protocol step by step at all times, to make sure that all inspections and repairs are efficient and thorough.
It is common for high pressure pumps, and even entire transmissions to be unnecessarily replaced when a much simpler fix was all that was needed.
The P0962 code usually will not keep a car from being drivable, though sometimes the vehicle will stall so frequently that it is not practical to drive. The transmission may make driving inconvenient, and failure to have the issue addressed can result in severe transmission damage, so it’s important to have the P0962 code addressed as soon as possible.
Repairs for the P0962 code include:
The P0962 code only applies to vehicles with automatic transmissions.
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