Hello. My car has around 40,000 miles on it and it's been shutting off recently. It happens suddenly while the car is at low idling. For instance, if I decelerate at the stop light, it would stall in the meanwhile until the light changes. It happened once at the intersection. This is a very dangerous issue as it happens out of the blue. But the pattern is similar. Besides this, the car is idling very low, like 400-600 RPMs and it shakes during idling as if it's not getting enoughh gas. What is causing this and how can I fix it? Thank you in advance.
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There are no common issues that would cause this problem - especially with the relatively low mileage. I recommend testing the computer for codes causing the stalling you have. If the computer sees the stall, it should set a code and the code can then be diagnosed to find the cause of your stalling. If no codes are received, then you may have a vacuum leak causing the low idle and stalling that a mechanic should be able to find during the diagnosis. If you want to have the issue looked at, get in touch with a certified technician, such as one from YourMechanic. They will be able to diagnose your stalling issue and verify what repairs are needed.
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