Kia EV6 service by top-rated mechanics at the convenience of your home or office

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How much does Kia EV6 repair and maintenance cost?

The cost depends on your car, the type of service, and where you live. Here are estimates for a selection of Kia EV6 services.

Service Estimate Savings Dealer Estimate Location
Service type Spark Plug Replacement for 2022 Kia EV6 Electric Estimate $155 Savings -0.34% Dealer Estimate $154 Location Union City, NJ
Service type Brake Rotor/Disc - Front Replacement for 2022 Kia EV6 Electric Estimate $490 Savings 32.73% Dealer Estimate $729 Location Pittsburgh, PA
Service type Cabin Air Filter Replacement for 2022 Kia EV6 Electric Estimate $183 Savings 16.86% Dealer Estimate $221 Location Tampa, FL
Service type Cooling System Flush for 2022 Kia EV6 Electric Estimate $231 Savings 1.75% Dealer Estimate $236 Location Atascosa, TX
Service type Brake Rotor/Disc - Rear Replacement for 2022 Kia EV6 Electric Estimate $488 Savings 32.71% Dealer Estimate $726 Location Norfolk, VA
Service type Brake Pads - Rear Replacement for 2022 Kia EV6 Electric Estimate $258 Savings 26.26% Dealer Estimate $350 Location Lawrence, MA
Service type Car Air Filter Replacement for 2022 Kia EV6 Electric Estimate $171 Savings 20.02% Dealer Estimate $213 Location Seaside, CA
Service type Brake Pads - Front Replacement for 2022 Kia EV6 Electric Estimate $258 Savings 23.84% Dealer Estimate $340 Location Pittsburgh, PA

Fast and easy Kia EV6 services at your home or office.

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“Finding a trusted mechanic at a reasonable price can be extremely difficult. With YourMechanic you can skip the auto shop altogether. They send certified and screened mechanics straight to your door and enable you to save big on car repair and maintenance.”


“YourMechanic will come to wherever your car is to perform any of a wide variety of car maintenance and repair services, and will charge you less than you'd normally pay if you were to drop your car off at a garage.”

– INC.

"YourMechanic will fix your car at your garage at a fixed hourly rate much lower than their brick-and-mortar counterparts."


Answers to common Kia EV6 questions

I have gray smoke coming out of my tailpipe but it's not heavy smoke and my car check engine light is orange​ my car shut off
Answered by Jay
You did not mention why the radiator was replaced but I think your engine was overheated causing the head gasket to go bad. This would cause the white smoke out of the tail pipe and an engine misfire and overheating...
There is a leak around the thermostat housing which resulted in decreasing water in the radiator
Answered by Norman
Hi there. First thing we need to determine is from where on the housing is the coolant leaking. If it is coming from the thermostat location in the housing, it could simply be a thermostat gasket/O-ring leaking. If the leak...
I received the code p200a on my 2011 Kia Forte and I would like to know how much it would cost to get fixed.
Answered by Tim
Hi there. The code you've indicated is a Kia-specific trouble code that indicates four possible problems including, the Intake Manifold Runner Binding Or Sticking, a Faulty manifold flow valve, the manifold flow valve harness is open or shorted or the...
When I turn my headlights on my windshield wipers come on and they don't stop. Also the right side headlight get very dim.
Answered by Marvin
Check the ballast resistor for the headlights and see if it has a burned wire or loose connection. If not, then the ballast resistor ( needs replaced for the headlights. A ballast resistor will balance the power to the headlights...

Fast and easy Kia EV6 services at your home or office.

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Most recent Kia EV6 recalls


Manufacturer’s report date:
May 10, 2022
NHTSA campaign ID number:

Fast and easy Kia EV6 services at your home or office.

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Backed by 12-month, 12,000-mile guarantee