Chevrolet LLV service by top-rated mechanics at the convenience of your home or office

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How much does Chevrolet LLV repair and maintenance cost?

The cost depends on your car, the type of service, and where you live. Here are estimates for a selection of Chevrolet LLV services.

Service Estimate Savings Dealer Estimate Location
Service type Wheel Bearings - Driver Side Front Replacement for 1991 Chevrolet LLV L4-2.5L Estimate $212 Savings 10.99% Dealer Estimate $239 Location Northampton, PA
Service type Control Arm Assembly - Rear Upper Left Replacement for 1991 Chevrolet LLV L4-2.5L Estimate $458 Savings 39.28% Dealer Estimate $755 Location Franklin, TN
Service type Windshield Wiper Motor - Front Replacement for 1991 Chevrolet LLV L4-2.5L Estimate $357 Savings 36.97% Dealer Estimate $566 Location San Antonio, TX
Service type Control Arm Assembly - Rear Upper Left Replacement for 1994 Chevrolet LLV L4-2.2L Estimate $443 Savings 39.99% Dealer Estimate $738 Location Columbus, OH
Service type Car Radiator Replacement for 1990 Chevrolet LLV L4-2.5L Estimate $669 Savings 44.05% Dealer Estimate $1197 Location Conshohocken, PA
Service type Windshield Wiper Motor - Rear Replacement for 1993 Chevrolet LLV L4-2.5L Estimate $485 Savings 42.35% Dealer Estimate $841 Location Walnut Grove, CA
Service type Strut Assembly - Front Replacement for 1991 Chevrolet LLV L4-2.5L Estimate $930 Savings 45.21% Dealer Estimate $1698 Location Chapel Hill, NC
Service type Strut Assembly - Rear Replacement for 1992 Chevrolet LLV L4-2.5L Estimate $767 Savings 44.92% Dealer Estimate $1392 Location Camarillo, CA

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Answers to common Chevrolet LLV questions

I replaced the water pump but all the coolant leaked out - 1996 Chevrolet Cavalier
Answered by Kevin
If there was no leak prior to the water pump replacement, it is possible that the gasket sealing area between the water pump and the engine block has a leak. This is easy to find if you refill the system...
How do I adjust the auto volume setting?
Answered by YourMechanic
The auto volume setting is a feature that automatically adjusts the volume of the sound system. The auto volume setting adjusts for issues such as road noise, and plays your sound system at the right volume after these factors are...
Bypass air conditioning compressor
Answered by Tim
Hi Francisco. Although we appreciate the question, we can't recommend attempting to bypass the AC system and installing an alternate serpentine belt. This type of repair often creates multiple issues and is not a recommended resolution.
Low oil pressure - 2002 Chevrolet Avalanche
Answered by Marvin
Hi there. If you are having a low oil pressure on the gauge, put a mechanical gauge on the engine and check for oil pressure. If the oil pressure is 40 psi or higher, then the engine is fine and...

Fast and easy Chevrolet LLV services at your home or office.

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