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P3450 is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) for "Cylinder 7 Deactivation/Intake Valve Cotrol Performance". This can happen for multiple reasons and a mechanic needs to diagnose the specific cause for this code to be triggered in your situation. Our certified mobile mechanics can come to your home or office to perform the Check Engine Light diagnostic for $154.99 . Once we are able to diagnose the problem, you will be provided with an upfront quote for the recommended fix and receive $50.0 off as a credit towards the repair. All our repairs are backed by our 12-month / 12,000-mile warranty.
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The P3450 code is detected when the measurements from the MAP sensor, TP sensor or the MAF sensor are not within the range of the calculated values for cylinder deactivation mode.
This can be associated with OBD-II codes: P3401, P3402, P3403, P3404, P3409, P3410, P3411, P3412, P3417, P3418, P3419, P3420, P3425, P3426, P3427, P3428, P3433, P3434, P3435, P3436, P3441, P3442, P3443, P3444, P3449, P3450, P3451, P3452, P3457, P3458, P3459 and P3460.
Fuel economy is managed by the ECM or engine control module. It will deactivate engine cylinders one through seven on the left bank of the engine and four through six on the right bank, transitioning into a V4 function. It will be able to return to its V8 functions when idling, starting or when using heavier throttling. The recording of the P3450 code means intake and exhaust valves may not open on required cylinders.
There are several factors that can cause this code:
Typically, there are only a few signs from the P3450 code, with one being the service engine light illuminating and the other being performance issues. They ECM is able to usually manage switching between V8 and V4 operations in a matter of milliseconds, and a driver should never notice. With this code, the ECM may not sequence quickly, the valve lifter oil manifold solenoids may not energize quickly and the lifters may not deactivate within the two revolutions of the crankshaft.
A P3450 is diagnosed using an OBD-II scanner, and the technician will first clear the codes and test to verify the information, including the use of the freeze frame data. They must also look at the order of multiple codes to rule out any other issues that may cause this problem.
They will then test the cylinder deactivation solenoid #7 to determine if it is working properly or if it has any debris. They will use a scanning tool for this, and also check oil passages to determine if the entire engine block is in need of disassembly and clearing of passages.
A main issue is blocked oil passages and yet many mechanics may mistakenly overlook this simple test before they begin to tackle the repair. All oil passages must be scanned and cleared of debris or dirt as they reduce oil pressure and block the deactivation solenoid and their lifters from functioning properly and taking the engine from V8 to V4 function.
The P3450 code will not prevent the car from driving, but it will stop the vehicle from functioning on four cylinders for optimal efficiency during light driving. Though it is not considered a threat or risk to the vehicle, it does reduce fuel efficiency over the long run and put unneeded wear on specific cylinders.
The repairs needed for the P3450 code can include:
Because this code so often occurs with other codes of a similar nature, the repair can become extremely time consuming and costly. Taking apart the engine to properly clean the passages is a very in-depth (though not complicated) job, and something that should not be done without the fullest diagnostics beforehand.
YourMechanic offers certified mobile mechanics who will come to your home or office to diagnose and repair your vehicle. Get a quote and book an appointment online or speak to a service advisor at 1-800-701-6230.
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