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P2008 is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) for "Intake Manifold Runner Control Circuit Open Bank 1". This can happen for multiple reasons and a mechanic needs to diagnose the specific cause for this code to be triggered in your situation. Our certified mobile mechanics can come to your home or office to perform the Check Engine Light diagnostic for $154.99 . Once we are able to diagnose the problem, you will be provided with an upfront quote for the recommended fix and receive $50.0 off as a credit towards the repair. All our repairs are backed by our 12-month / 12,000-mile warranty.
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The P2008 code is a general OBD2 diagnostic trouble code referencing the Intake manifold runner control circuit.
This code is similar to P2005, P2006, P2007, P2009, P2010 and P2015.
P2008 means that the intake manifold runner circuit has an open electrical connection bank 1. The ECU tries to control the the angle of the intake manifold runner flappers and when it cannot control this circuit sets a Check Engine Light.
Along with the Check Engine Light, a failsafe mode is set until normal operation resumes.
Hook up the scan tool and pull any codes that are stored in the ECU.
Look at all the freeze framed data to see what conditions the vehicle was under when the code was set.
Clear all stored codes.
Take the vehicle on a road test to confirm the symptoms.
Perform a visual inspection, taking a close look at the vacuum lines and wiring under the hood
Use the scan tool to monitor solenoid operation while the engine is running and watch for changes.
Install a hand vacuum pump to check for intake manifold runner flapper valve operation.
Use a multimeter to check for continuity in the wiring.
The P2008 can be difficult to diagnose if the proper steps are not followed or are not completed in the correct order.
Commonly the intake manifold runners and intake manifold runner control solenoid will exhibit similar symptoms and one may be replaced when the other is causing the fault.
The P2008 code can have a serious side effect if left unattended for too long. The intake manifold runner flaps can break off and be sucked into the engine. This can cause extensive engine damage.
In some cases an intake cleaner can be used to help free any stuck manifold runner flaps. These cleaners dissolve some of the carbon deposits and free the flapper valve.
An advanced level scan tool that does more than just read codes is required for this code. Technicians use these scan tools to view live data such as voltage and solenoid operation.
YourMechanic offers certified mobile mechanics who will come to your home or office to diagnose and repair your vehicle. Get a quote and book an appointment online or speak to a service advisor at 1-800-701-6230.
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