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P0746 is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) for "Pressure Control Solenoid Performance or Stuck Off". This can happen for multiple reasons and a mechanic needs to diagnose the specific cause for this code to be triggered in your situation. Our certified mobile mechanics can come to your home or office to perform the Check Engine Light diagnostic for $154.99 . Once we are able to diagnose the problem, you will be provided with an upfront quote for the recommended fix and receive $50.0 off as a credit towards the repair. All our repairs are backed by our 12-month / 12,000-mile warranty.
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The P0746 code appears when the PCM detects an irregularity in the electronic pressure control solenoid circuit.
With an automatic transmission, varying amounts of hydraulic pressure are used to provide torque converter lockup and shift actuation. The exact degree of pump pressure that’s considered sufficient will differ across every make and model – often by a lot. That’s because the amount required is based on things like vehicle speed, engine speed, engine load and throttle position.
Nonetheless, code P0746 will occur when the required amount of fluid pressure doesn’t match the actual amount that is detected by the vehicle’s PCM. Usually, a Check Engine Light will come on too, but this is another element that differs across all makes and models. For some, this type of incident has to repeat more than once before the light will come on.
The P0746 code could be caused by any of the following:
There are no set symptoms that always occur in regards to the P0746. In fact, some drivers don’t report any noticeable symptoms at all. Other drivers will have to put up with the torque converter clutch not engaging/disengaging. Their ability to shift may also be greatly limited or even disabled altogether. When the engine idles or is coming to a stop, it could stall out.
Other common symptoms include:
A number of other trouble codes are associated with P0746. These codes are related to issues with things like converter clutch, shift solenoid, gear ratio, etc.
An OBD-II scanner will first be used by your mechanic to figure out which codes have been stored. Then, they’ll check on the transmission pressure present. After that, they’ll look at the transmission fluid for signs it’s contaminated (or just that more is needed). If the fluid smells like it has burned, they’ll need to inspect the transmission pan.
Your mechanic will also want to look at all the wires that assist the pressure control solenoid. Other electrical components, like the connectors, will be important to inspect too. The high pressure pump will need to go through examination as well.
Although it’s important to inspect, the high pressure pump is too often blamed for the entire code and thus replaced hastily without enough thought being given to the process. Instead, wiring malfunctions and faulty electronic pressure control solenoids are far more likely to be responsible for a P0746 code. This should serve as a reminder to carry out a thorough diagnosis before proceeding with any permanent measures.
The code doesn’t necessarily represent anything dangerous or a problem that will seriously damage your vehicle if it isn’t addressed right away. However, as you’ll notice from the symptoms above, it’s possible that your transmission may eventually overheat or your clutch won’t engage. These could have expensive ramifications and, if nothing else, may lead to much worse problems down the line, so it’s a good idea to have this code dealt with ASAP.
The following may be necessary to repair your vehicle:
As a number of other codes may accompany this one, it’s important that you deal with them in the order they were stored so you don’t miss anything.
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