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P0694 is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) for "Fan 2 Control Circuit High". This can happen for multiple reasons and a mechanic needs to diagnose the specific cause for this code to be triggered in your situation. Our certified mobile mechanics can come to your home or office to perform the Check Engine Light diagnostic for $154.99 . Once we are able to diagnose the problem, you will be provided with an upfront quote for the recommended fix and receive $50.0 off as a credit towards the repair. All our repairs are backed by our 12-month / 12,000-mile warranty.
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The P0694 trouble code indicates that the vehicle's electric cooling fan control circuit has had an irregular voltage level registered by the Powertrain Control Module (PCM).
The PCM keeps track of voltage levels in a wide array of vehicle components, including the electric cooling fan. Although the particulars may vary depending on the model and manufacturer, the PCM will typically report a trouble code if the circuit voltage falls more than 10% away from the manufacturer specifications.
In the majority of cases, a faulty cooling fan motor or relay is to blame for a P0694 trouble code. However, the code may also be the result of electrical issues, including corroded or faulty electrical connectors and shorted wiring. It is also possible that the engine coolant temperature sensor itself is faulty, and may be reporting false information to the PCM as a result.
Fortunately, a P0964 trouble code is relatively insignificant, and will also pose minor issues to the vehicle if any. In the majority of reported cases, no practical symptoms are reported. If any problems are present, the engine may overheat and the air conditioner may not work as well as it should. Also, for the sake of diagnosing the problem, the dashboard trouble light will be illuminated and the P0694 trouble code will be stored in the vehicle's computer.
To start, a mechanic should scan the vehicle's computer with an OBD-II code reader in order to pick up the P0964 code, as well as any other issues registered via the PCM
If the P0964 has been verified, the electrical cooling circuit should be inspected for any visible signs of fault, disconnection or damage
The electrical cooling fan motor and relay should be looked at thoroughly and tested to ensure they are working properly
Any system-related wiring (including electrical connectors) should also be checked out for signs of potential issues
If all components are shown to be working, the sensor should be inspected for potential signs of fault
Although a faulty cooling fan motor is most often to blame for a P0694 code, it is sometimes mistakenly replaced instead of diagnosing the real problem. Generic issues with electrical wiring may account for the code, as well as a false report from a faulty sensor. Technicians recommend inspecting the cooling fan relay for signs of fault; this component is notorious for being recalled by the manufacturer.
Although an advanced P0964 scenario may increase wear on your engine and limit air conditioner efficiency, it has no effect on the drivability of the vehicle itself. With this in mind, it should be seen as a mild issue. Any subsequent repairs should be seen as non-urgent.
If any of the cooling fan-related components (motor, relay, resistor) have been identified as faulty, they should be repaired or replaced as is needed.
Any corroded, broken or shorted electrical circuitry should be fixed.
If there have been electrical issues, cooling fan-related fuses may be blown, and will have to be replaced as a result.
Following any repairs, the system should be checked again to see if the trouble code returns.
Some vehicle models may require multiple drive cycles before the P0694 trouble code is logged. There is a very rare possibility that the P0694 trouble code may be caused by a faulty PCM. However, due to the high expense associated with repairing or replacing a PCM as well as the rarity of the issue, it should only be seen as a last-ditch possibility when all other conceivable scenarios have been exhausted.
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