Louisiana Speed Limits, Laws, and Fines

Following is an overview of the laws, limits, and fines as they relate to speeding traffic violations in the state of Louisiana.

Speed limits in Louisiana

75 mph: along 154 miles of Interstate 49

70 mph: as posted along other interstates

65 mph: multi-lane divided highways with partial or no access control

60 mph: urban interstates and freeways, as posted

55 mph: undivided two-lane roads

School zones vary by location, and may be posted with specific hours and/or yellow flashing lights that are active during reduced speed limit hours. Residential speed limits in Louisiana may also vary, as posted.

Louisiana code on reasonable and prudent speed

Maximum speed law:

According to section 32:64(A) of Louisiana vehicle code, “No person shall drive a vehicle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions and potential hazards then existing, having due regard for the traffic on, and the surface and width of, the highway, and the condition of the weather.”

Minimum speed law:

Sections 32:64(B) and 32:71(B)(2) state:

“No person shall operate a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic.”

“A person who is operating a motor vehicle on a multilane highway at a speed slower than 10 mph than the posted speed limit shall drive in the right-hand lane then available for traffic or as close as practicable to the right hand curb or edge of the roadway.”

Due to variations in speedometer calibration, tire size, and margins of error in speed-detecting technology, it’s uncommon for an officer to pull a driver over for going less than five miles above the speed limit. However, technically any amount over can be considered a speed violation so best practices are to stay within the limit.

While it may be difficult to fight a speeding ticket in Louisiana due to the absolute speed limit law, a driver may choose to go to court and claim their innocence based upon one of the following:

  • The driver may oppose the determination of speed. In order to claim this defense a driver must know how his or her speed was determined and then learn how to disprove its accuracy.

  • A driver may claim that an emergency situation caused the driver to break the speed limit in order to prevent injury or damage to themselves or others.

  • The driver may claim a case of mistaken identity. If a police officer clocks a driver speeding and subsequently has to find them again in traffic, it’s possible that they could make a mistake and pull the wrong car over.

Penalty for exceeding the speed limit in Louisiana

First-time violators may:

  • Be fined up to $175 (plus a $5 fee to fund the Traumatic Head and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund)

  • Be sentenced to up to 30 days of jail time

  • Have their license suspended for up to one year

Penalty for reckless driving in Louisiana

In this state, going 15 mph or more over the speed limit is automatically considered reckless driving.

First-time violators may:

  • Be fined up to $200

  • Be sentenced to up to 90 days of jail time

  • Have their license suspended for up to one year

Violators may be required to attend traffic school, and/or may be able to have their speeding fine reduced by attending these classes.

The statements expressed above are only for informational purposes and should be independently verified. Please see our terms of service for more details

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