It’s an exciting day when you finally pay off the loan for your vehicle, or maybe you’re lucky enough to have saved enough money up front that you can pay for it in full. Whatever the route you have taken once your car is fully paid for you will receive a car title. This title proves that you are the owner of the vehicle which you will need if you ever plan on selling the vehicle.
It is always suggested to keep this title somewhere secure such as a safe in your home. Unfortunately titles can become lost, damaged, and even stolen, which then leads to you having to replace it. Not to worry, as the Department of Motor Vehicles are able to help in these situations providing you with the information and forms you need to get that title sent out to you.
If you live in the state of Kentucky and have either lost or had your car title stolen, here are the steps you can take to get a duplicate title. It can be done either in person or by mail, whichever is convenient. No matter which route you choose, you will need to follow these steps.
First you will need to fill out the Application for Kentucky Certificate of Title or Registration(Form TC 96-182). It will need to be notarized. Be sure to explain the reason why you are applying for a duplicate. As well include your odometer reading, your VIN, your social security number, name, address, license plate number, and your driver's license. There is a $6 fee for the duplicate title and a $2 fee if you choose to have it notarized at the office.
Bring all of these items in person to your County Clerk's office or mail it to their address.
Typically a title is mailed out within four days but some counties also provide an overnight service if needed.
You can find more information about replacing a lost or stolen car title in Kentucky by visiting the Kentucky's Department of Motor Vehicles.