Once your car is paid off, the lender should mail you the physical title to the vehicle. This is proof that you own the car outright. However, many of us don’t take the proper care of that essential document. It ends up in a file cabinet somewhere, where it collects dust. It’s all too easy for a title to be damaged – a flood, a fire, or even just significant amounts of smoke can render your title useless. It can also be easily lost or even stolen.
In this situation, you need to get a duplicate title for your car. Without a legal title, you can’t sell your car, register it, or trade it in. The good news is that getting a duplicate title from Hawaii isn’t that difficult.
First, understand that each county has slightly different requirements, so you’ll need to follow those that pertain to your county of residence. However, all of them require that you provide some basic information. You’ll need the license plate number of the car, as well as the VIN. You’ll also need the owner’s name and address, and the make of the car. Finally, you need the reason for issuing a duplicate title – lost, stolen, damaged, etc.).
- Complete Form CS-L MVR 10 (Application for Duplicate Motor Vehicle Certificate of Title).
- Mail it to the address listed on the form with your $5 fee, or turn it in by hand at a nearby DMV office.
- Complete Form DMVL580 (Application for Duplicate Motor Vehicle Certificate of Title).
- Have it notarized.
- Take it to your local DMV office and complete additional paperwork.
- Pay $10 fee.
- All forms are available from your local DMV office only.
Hawaii County
- You’ll need to complete the Application for Duplicate Motor Vehicle Certificate of Title.
- Call the DMV office before completing the form if you need assistance.
- Include a payment of $5
- Deliver the completed form to the DMV office.
Note for all Hawaii locations – if your old title is found again, it must be turned in to the DMV for destruction. It is void after a new title has been issued.
For more information, see the DMV.org website that provides the information for all the counties of Hawaii.