If your child rides in a car safety seat, it’s a good idea to register the seat with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, or your car seat manufacturer (if not both).
Registering your car seat is important in the event of a change in federal safety standards, or a recall of your product, the NHTSA or the manufacturer can contact you immediately to fix the problem.
The NHTSA form can be found here. To register your car seat with the NHTSA, you can mail, fax, or email your safety seat registration information to:
U. S. Department of Transportation
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Office of Defects Investigation
Correspondence Research Division (NVS-216)
Room W48-301
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE.
Washington, DC 20590
Fax: (202) 366-1767
E-mail: childseatregister@dot.gov
Many safety seat manufacturer’s encourage you to also register your products directly on their website. To find the manufacturer’s safety seat registration page, Google “(name of manufacturer) car seat registration” and you’ll be directed to the appropriate page.
Links to car seat registration:
Registering your car seat is the best way for you to learn about a recall in the most timely and dependable manner – directly from the manufacturer. As a parent, it is your responsibility to ensure that your kids use car seats that meet the required safety standards.
You can register the seat using the card that came with it or fill out a simple form on the car seat manufacturer's website. If you relocate or move, ensure that the manufacturer has the most up-to-date contact information for you. This will ensure that you are the first to know if your child's car seat has a problem.