Until you take and pass your North Dakota driver’s written test, you will not be able to get your permit or take the road test. The written exam is an important part of the process as it allows the state to test your knowledge of the rules of the road, and that helps to ensure that you will be safe once you start driving, and that you will abide by the laws. Of course, when many people think of a written test, they get nervous. They don’t want to fail, and that puts more pressure on them. The keys to success are to stay calm and to prepare for the test. When you study and prepare properly, you will find that it is quite easy to pass the test. Here are some good tips on what you need to do.
The driver’s manual
Without a doubt, the most important part of studying for the test is the Noncommercial Driver’s License Manual from the North Dakota Department of Transportation. The manual features all of the information that you need to know in order to be safe when you are out on the road, and to pass your written test. It covers the signs, signals, and road markings, as well as the parking and traffic laws, safety, and emergency situations. All of the tests that they put on the written exam come directly from material that is in this manual, so study it carefully.
Years ago, the only way to get a manual was to go to the office and grab a physical copy. Today, you have a much easier option. You can simply download the PDF version and have it on your computer whenever you need it. In addition to having a copy on your computer, it is a good idea to add it to your smartphone, e-reader, or tablet. This way, you will always have access and you can study whenever you have the time.
Online tests
Studying the manual is important, but you also need to make sure that you know how much knowledge you are actually acquiring. You should take online tests, as they use actual questions from the state’s tests. A site you may want to use is DMV Written Test. They have several tests for North Dakota that you can take.
Get an app
If you would like to study and practice more, you should download apps for your phone or tablet. This will allow you to have your prep materials right in your pocket that you can use whenever you have some free time. Many apps are available for iPhone, Android, and other platforms, and some are free. Drivers Ed app and DMV Permit Test are two you might want to download.
A final tip
Once you have studied and can pass all of the practice exams, you should not have trouble with the test. However, remember to go slow and take your time. Read the questions thoroughly so you don’t miss any of them. Best of luck when you take your test!