If you have a love for automobiles and automotive technology, then automotive technician jobs might be a natural fit. You can find a fulfilling career here that offers not just the ability to do something you love, but good pay, as well. In Maryland, the average auto mechanic salary is $45,250, which is considerably higher than the national average. Maryland also has fewer auto mechanics than it needs, which means that job growth prospects over time are very good. However, you need more than a mechanical aptitude to be successful in this industry.
It starts with educating yourself
Like any other industry, the automotive sector has evolved considerably in recent years. The advent of advanced technology and its growing inclusion in even the average automobile means that you need to know more now than you did even a few years ago. To learn these skills, you’ll need to attend an auto mechanic school and earn your certification. There are quite a few community colleges and tech schools in Maryland that can provide this type of certification, including the following:
Once you complete the course, you will have your certification and can find an entry-level auto mechanic job. However, you should do more to make yourself as attractive as possible to hirers. This may mean getting your ASE certifications. ASE certifications can be earned in a number of specialty areas, and hirers are always more willing to pay ASE-certified mechanics more than those who do not have certification.
Business owners and decision makers know that this certification proves that you have the drive needed to succeed, as well as the knowledge required to work as a professional mechanic. It can also play an important role should you decide to strike out on your own rather than applying for more traditional employment.
If you work for a branded dealership, you will have another option open to you – dealer certification. These programs are designed to educate mechanics about the specific technologies and design elements used by a particular automaker. They’re generally part of the required ongoing training for mechanics at a branded dealership, but you can take that knowledge with you to other jobs if you decide to leave the dealership.
Supplement your income with work as a mobile mechanic
With the right education and the dedication needed to check out the many potential mechanic job options, you can achieve success.
While there are many career options for mechanics, one option you might consider is working with YourMechanic as a mobile mechanic. YourMechanic technicians earn up to $60 an hour and complete all work onsite at the car owner's location. As a mobile mechanic, you control your schedule, set your service area, and serve as your own boss. Learn more and apply.