We drove up a mountain came back down over heated smoke p...

We drove up a mountain came back down over heated smoke poured from under the hood popped hood and [coolant](/topics-coolant-nissan/) is everywhere Mechanic's Assistant: Where exactly do you think the noise is coming from?...

Automotive Expert
"Hi, I'm Roy. Welcome to JustAnswer. I'm reviewing your question now, and will post back with your reply momentarily." You will see an option to receive a phone call prompted by the website, you can agree to or decline. If you do not wish to use the Phone Service, we can continue chatting this way back and forth until you are satisfied with my help. Who Am I speaking with today ?

I'm shayI'd prefer textingI’d prefer to text thanks no call
Automotive Expert
Hi! Hope I can help sorry to hear about your coolant leaking you could have a stuck thermostat or leaking hose or cracked radiator , you should have the system pressure check for any leaks first

Will I be able to drive it homeWe’re about 30 minutes away?
Automotive Expert
If was over heating first you might have a stuck thermostat you can try and fill with water and see it the engine cools down while running let it cool first . then see if still leaks out .

It's been shut off for about 45 minutes now
Automotive Expert
If you have a leak or over heats I would not drive it you could damage the engine

Automotive Expert
Okay try and fill the radiator now and see what happens

I have no water around me I'm going to need to see if I can get someCould the incline of driving up an incline could have caused itA mountain\*
Automotive Expert
If was real hot it can overheat and come out the overflow also

We drove up a mountain and had absolutely no issues prior to that could the elevation cause it?It was a 2500 foot incline
Automotive Expert
I would get some water next and check it

I'm all set im just gonna get towed home
Automotive Expert
Okay and just let me know if you need anything just post back Thank you Roy!

Automotive Expert
Have a great day !

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