No clutch pedal.

No clutch pedal. Mechanic's Assistant: Has the clutch been slipping? Are you having any trouble shifting? No Mechanic's Assistant: What is the make/model/year of your car? 2010 suzuki swift Mechanic's Assista...

No clutch pedal. Mechanic's Assistant: Has the clutch been slipping? Are you having any trouble shifting? No Mechanic's Assistant: What is the make/model/year of your car? 2010 suzuki swift Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your Swift yourself? What have you tried so far? Im fixing it myself i have replaced the slave cylinder

Automotive Expert
Howdy from Tennessee, I'm Chris aka Moose. Who am I helping today? I'm glad you've come here to get help. I will do my best to get the answer you are looking for. I help many customers, so sometimes my replies are delayed, I will respond once available. I try to be online at 1-5 pm and 10 pm-5 am every day. If the clutch assembly in the bell housing is fine and you see the slave cylinder moving little to none with the clutch pedal pressed. That would indicate either the clutch master cylinder has faulty internal seals or there is air in the clutch hydraulic system. I choose to bleed the clutch system by pulling a vacuum on the reservoir with a hand pump then cycle the pedal many times to allow the vacuum to pull the air out of the system. Thank you for seeking us for help, I hope I provided what was needed. Press reply if you need to follow up. If you liked my answer please let me know so I can mark your question complete. Moose
Automotive Expert
Checking in with you. Please let me know if you liked my answer, or need more help.
Automotive Expert
It's been a couple of days since you replied. I am going to mark your question complete for now. Reply as needed.

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