Driving a vehicle in Illinois means that you need to be aware of, and follow the rules of the road. In addition to the traffic laws, drivers are also required to ensure that the windshield of the vehicle adheres to the requirements of the motor vehicle code. The following are the windshield laws in Illinois with which drivers must comply.
Windshield requirements
All vehicles driven on the roadways and highways, other than motorcycles, are required to have a windshield.
All windshields and windows in a vehicle must be made with safety glazing material, which is glass that is manufactured in a way that greatly reduces the potential of flying glass and shattering when compared with plate glass.
All vehicles must have windshield wipers that are controlled by the driver and capable of removing snow, ice, rain, and other moisture from the windshield.
Illinois also requires that drivers be able to see clearly through the windshield.
It is illegal to drive a vehicle on the roadways that has ice, snow, moisture or any other material covering the windshield that obstructs the driver’s view of the highway.
Drivers are not permitted to hang any items between them and the windshield.
It is illegal to place signs, posters or any other objects in or attached to the windshield that prevents the driver from seeing the roadways clearly.
Window tint
In Illinois, drivers can add window tint if it complies with the following:
Only non-reflective window tint is permitted on the top six inches of the windshield.
Tint on all other windows cannot allow less than 35% of light to pass through.
No metallic or reflective window tint is permitted on the windshield or any other window in the vehicle.
Cracks and chips
Illinois does not list specifics as to the permissible size of cracks or chips in the windshield, but does provide the following:
Motorists are not permitted to drive a vehicle if the windshield is in a defective condition that impairs the driver’s ability to see clearly.
It is important to understand that it is up to the officer issuing the traffic citation as to whether any chips or cracks impair the driver’s vision.
Windshield damage that is within federal limits may not be permissible based on the state-level laws in Illinois.
Failing to follow the windshield laws in Illinois is considered a traffic infraction. There is no listing available for the exact amounts of the potential fines that drivers may receive when failing to follow these laws. However, fines can be added for each offense, which means they can quickly add up if your windshield does not meet the requirements under the Illinois laws.
If your windshield needs to be inspected or your wipers are not working properly, a certified technician, such as one from YourMechanic, can help you get back on the road safely and quickly so you are driving within the laws.