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Whether you live in Wyoming or are planning to move there, if you have a modified vehicle you have to make sure that your car or truck will be considered street legal when driving on the roads. The following are the laws and regulations that you need to follow.
Sounds and noise
Wyoming has regulations concerning the sound levels that can come from your vehicle.
Sound systems
The music from sound systems cannot be heard from 100 feet or more from the property line between the hours of 9 PM to 7 AM.
Sound systems cannot be heard from a distance of 50 feet between 7 AM and 7 PM or 25 feet between 7 PM and 7 AM.
- Mufflers are required on all vehicles and must limit the sound from the engine.
- Cutouts, bypasses, and similar devices are not permitted.
Tip: Always check with local county laws in Wyoming to make sure you are following any municipal noise ordinances that may be more stringent than state-level laws.
Frame and suspension
Wyoming does not have any limits on suspension lifts, body height, frame height or bumper height. Vehicles cannot be taller than 14 feet tall.
Wyoming does not have any laws regarding engine swaps or modifications. The state also does not require emissions testing.
Lighting and windows
Two spotlights are permitted.
Red, blue, and white flashing lights are not permitted on passenger vehicles.
No red or blue lights that are visible from the front are permitted on any passenger vehicle on the highway.
Window tinting
Non-reflective tint is permitted on the top of the windshield above the AS-1 line from the manufacturer or the top five inches, whichever is highest.
Front side, back side, and rear window tint must permit 28% of light to pass through.
Reflective tint on front side and back side windows cannot be over 20% reflective.
Side mirrors are required with rear window tint.
Antique/classic car modifications
Wyoming offers Pioneer Plates with the following requirements:
Vehicle must be over 25 years old.
The owner of the vehicle has to have lived in Wyoming for a minimum of one year.
Vehicle cannot be used for daily or general transportation.
Vehicle can be used for parades, club activities, tours, and similar activities.
A Pioneer License Plate Application is required.
If you want to make sure the modifications on your vehicle are in compliance with the requirements in Wyoming, YourMechanic can provide the mobile mechanics to help you install the new parts. You can also ask our mechanics what modifications may be best suited to your car using our free online Q&A system, Ask a Mechanic.