How familiar are you with traffic laws in Wyoming? If you live in Wyoming and/or spending any time driving here, you should know how the rules of the road differ from other states and which laws applies to you and your vehicle. Read this guide to inform yourself about the rules of the road for Wyoming drivers.
Staying safe on the roads in Wyoming
By law in Wyoming, it is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that all occupants of the vehicle are wearing seat-belts when the vehicle is in motion. Exceptions to this include getting a written waiver from a licensed physician and driving or riding in a vehicle that was not originally outfitted with seat-belts.
Children under the age of nine must be secured in the appropriate rear or front-facing child seat or a booster seat. This law applies to anyone driving in Wyoming, whether or not they are a resident.
When overtaking or meeting a school bus with flashing red lights, you must stop until the bus driver deactivates the lights and continues on their way. The only exception to this is if you are driving in the opposite direction on a divided highway. Even then, proceed with caution and watch for pedestrians.
Pedestrians in crosswalks always have the right of way, and motorists must yield to them. Pedestrians walking in the roadway must walk against the flow of traffic, and motorists should be watchful for pedestrians walking along the road in areas with no sidewalks, as well as entering crosswalks and crossing at unmarked intersections.
You must always yield to emergency vehicles when their lights and sirens are activated. Pull over to the side of the road to let these vehicles overtake and pass you when traveling in the same direction, and do not enter an intersection if an emergency vehicle is approaching.
Bicyclists are required to ride as close to the right side of the road as long as it is safe and practical. Overtaking motorists should watch for approaching traffic and pass only when they can do so safely while giving the bicyclist plenty of room. When riding after dark, bicyclists must have a functioning headlight and rear reflectors.
Red flashing traffic lights should be treated like stop signs. Come to a full stop and yield to traffic before continuing. Yellow flashing traffic lights indicate that you should slow down, and check to make sure it’s safe to proceed.
When you come to a four-way stop, you must stop your vehicle before continuing. Yield to any vehicles that got to the intersection before you, and if you arrived at the same time as other vehicles, yield to the vehicle(s) to your right.
If you encounter out of order traffic lights, treat them like you would a four-way stop.
Passing is only legal when indicated by dashed yellow or white lines between lanes. You may not pass in an area marked with a “No Passing Zone” sign or where you see a solid yellow or white line.
In Wyoming, you may make a right on red if and only if you have already stopped and cleared traffic, and if there is not a “No Turns on Red” sign.
You may make a U-turn if there is not a “No U-Turns Sign” at the intersection. You should not attempt a U-turn at a controlled intersection, on a curve, or anywhere that you cannot see at least 500 feet in each direction.
You may not legally block an intersection in Wyoming. Wait until the intersection is clear before you proceed through.
High occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes are reserved for vehicles with multiple occupants. If you are driving alone and you are not on a motorcycle, you may not use these lanes.
Ramp-metering signals are sometimes found at freeway on-ramps. These look much like traffic signals, but they are designed to allow one vehicle to enter the freeway at a time to help with the flow of traffic. When you see a ramp meter in use, do not go until you get a green signal.
Wyoming motorcyclists who are 17 years old or younger must wear approved motorcycle helmets. Getting a motorcycle license in Wyoming involves a vision screening, a written test, and a skills test, and you must prove that you are a legal resident of the state. Once you have fulfilled all of the requirements, you can legally get a motorcycle license in Wyoming.
Accidents and other legal matters for Wyoming drivers
If you are involved in an accident in Wyoming, you must stop at or near the crash site and wait in a safe place until the police arrive. You should also give reasonable aid to anyone who is injured, but do not move an injured person. Wait for an ambulance to arrive. Police should be contacted if anyone is injured and/or if the accident has done $1,000 or more of damages.
Driving while under the influence (DWUI) in Wyoming is defined as operating a vehicle with a blood content of 0.08 or greater for drivers who are 21 or older. This citation will result in license suspension of at least a year and may involve other penalties, as well.
Radar detectors are permitted in Wyoming only for passenger vehicles. They are illegal for use in commercial vehicles.
All vehicles registered in Wyoming must show valid front and rear license plates.