Within your vehicle is a part called the EGR cooler. EGR stands for Exhaust Gas Recirculation. This cooler is responsible for taking care of the exhaust gases once they leave the engine. It cools these gases so they are safe to go back into the engine to be used for a combustion temperature that is easier to control. This allows the engine to run smoothly, while at the same time not releasing as much exhaust into the air.
This part tends to have a fairly long lifespan allowing you to get about 80,000 miles out of it. Now keep in mind you may be able to get more than 80,000 or you may not be able to reach this point before replacing it. It's always a good idea to refer to your user's manual to see what the scheduled maintenance is.
Keep in mind you don't want to leave this part once it breaks because it plays a part in keeping the engine temperature where it should be. If your engine is allowed to get too hot, you risk damaging other parts. This can lead to a much more expensive repair bill, plus you are emitting an increase in noxious exhaust. This also means your car likely wouldn’t pass state-inspection or smog test in its current condition.
Here are some signs you can watch for that may signal your EGR cooler has hit the end of its lifespan:
If you find that your engine's cooling system seems to be working much harder than usual, it could be because the EGR cooler isn't working properly.
Your engine won't be able to run as efficiently once this part starts to fail. This can show up as such things as the engine temperature running high.
If your car seems to have more noxious exhaust that also seems thicker, again this can point to a failed EGR cooler.
The EGR cooler is an integral part of your vehicle that ensures your engine runs efficiently, and that you’re doing your part and not releasing as much noxious exhaust. Typically you can expect to get about 80,000 miles out of the part, but defects and damage may cause its lifespan to be shortened. If you’re experiencing any of above mentioned symptoms and suspect your EGR cooler is in need of replacement, have a diagnostic or an EGR cooler replacement service with a certified mechanic.