The EVP shut off solenoid is the EGR (exhaust gas recirculation) valve position sensor. With that said, it has a fairly important job to perform that will help ensure your engine runs smoothly, and that your vehicle is able to pass a smog test. What this part does is stop the exhaust gases from getting into the intake by closing a gate. While your engine is warming up, the shut off solenoid will close the gate. The idea is that your engine is able to warm up using fresh air, which is best for it.
You don't have to worry about scheduling routine service and maintenance for the part, it is built to last the lifetime of your vehicle. However, as we all know that doesn't mean things don't still happen. Just keep in mind this part is very hot to the touch, so be sure not to poke around at it until it has cooled off very well.
Here are some signs that could mean your EVP shut off solenoid has reached the end of its lifespan and is need of replacement:
If you have just taken your vehicle for an emission or smog test and received a failing grade, the EVP shut off solenoid could be to blame. Replacing this part may solve the issue, but it's best to have an expert take a look to ensure this is the only issue going on.
Your Check Engine Light will most likely come on if the part has stopped working. When this occurs, you should have a mechanic scan the computer for codes on your vehicle to find out for sure if the EVP shut off is the culprit.
You could begin to hear a knocking sound coming from your engine while you accelerate. Keep in mind this can mean different things, so it's best to have an expert take a look.
It’s important to have the EVP shut off replaced immediately so you don’t risk causing damage to your engine, which will result in a much higher repair bill.
Your EVP shut off solenoid must be kept in good working order if you EGR system is to operate properly. If you’re experiencing any of the above mentioned symptoms and suspect your EVP shut off solenoid is in need of replacement, get a diagnostic or book an EVP shut off solenoid replacement service with a certified mechanic.