Yesterday the remote worked fine, today it won't start my car. The check engine light came on just now when I tried again to remotely start the car. Why?
My car has 90000 miles.
My car has an automatic transmission.
Car is hard to start Inspection | $94.99 - $114.99 | Get a Quote |
Hi Kat. Thanks for the question tonight. Anytime a check engine light is illuminated, it means the onboard computer (ECU) has detected a fault from a sensor that impacts the operation of the vehicle. It then stores a code in the ECU which can be downloaded by a professional mechanic, which should isolate the source of the failure and allow them to tell you why the car is not starting. It’s possible that the issue is with your remote starter itself, with a battery being worn out, or perhaps a security code has been triggered. Regardless, the check engine light / hard to start inspection is the best way to diagnose this problem at your location.
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