Hi. I just hand in an oil change, fuel injector, and radi...

Hi. I just hand in an oil change, fuel injector, and radiator flush. My car made it home. The next day it would shake when starting and would not start. Mechanic's Assistant: Have you noticed an increase in fuel consumptio...

Hi. I just hand in an oil change, fuel injector, and radiator flush. My car made it home. The next day it would shake when starting and would not start. Mechanic's Assistant: Have you noticed an increase in fuel consumption? And how does the vehicle start—same as usual? Please read the question above. Smh Mechanic's Assistant: What is the make/model/year of your car? Kia Forte 2012 Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your Forte yourself? What have you tried so far? Is the a bot? Are you reading my questions? Mechanic's Assistant: Anything else you want the Mechanic to know before I connect you? Oh my god

Automotive Expert
Hi and welcome to Just Answer! My name is \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* I will be the expert to assist you today. I’m sorry you’re having trouble with your vehicle; I know how frustrating it can be. Please understand I do not know your level of automotive expertise so I may need to ask questions to find out information in order to provide the best possible service and solution. There are times when it may take me a moment to respond because I may have to look up information about your concern. I appreciate your patience. You mention you just had work done and the issue started, did it start when the oil change was completed or did it drive home OK and then start having the issue? Is the Check Engine Light on?

Hi. I just hand in an oil change, fuel injector, and radiator flush. My car made it home. The next day it would shake when starting and would not start. I eventually got it to turn on and stop shaking. I went to work, it started fine and went to home. Now, this morning, it won't stop shaking and won't turn over and start.
Automotive Expert
Do you have the 2.0 liter engine or the 2.4 liter?

Let me check
Automotive Expert
Is the Check Engine Light on?

Automotive Expert
OK, I've seen instances when using the Fuel Injector Cleaner if they raise up the RPM (Most cleaners are done at Idle) then it is possible they have damaged the Catalytic Converter, however that should cause the Check Engine light to come on.

Customer attachment 2/16/2021 4:18:05 PM

Also, there is a smell of hasGas\*
Automotive Expert
OK, the light is on and in order to properly diagnose the issue you'll need to know what the code is and what module it is in.

It now started. Does this have to do with when it's parked slightly up hill in my driveway it does this but not when I'm at work it's flat?I don't know what you mean about code and module.
Automotive Expert
Depending on how they ran the cleaner they could also have damaged the Oxygen Sensor or the Air Fuel Sensor both of which will cause the vehicle to run poorly and make starting an issue. Have you contacted the company that did the oil change and fuel injector cleaning?

It just happened now. They don't open until 9
Automotive Expert
I would suggest you call the company and ask to speak with a manager. Explain what you had done and the issues you're having now. See if he is willing to diagnose or inspect for free as good will. Depending on what they say will be how you move forward. If they're reputable then they should step up, if not then I'd suggest you go to any reputable parts store, AutoZone, O'Reilly's or NAPA. They will scan and read the codes for free. Once you know the code it should be easier to get to the root cause. The fuel smell is concerning and I'd suggest you check it out as soon as possible. If they caused some damage you don't want it to get worse. There are also many KIA TSB's (Technical Service Bulletin) and depending on the code and applicability it may be something that is covered by KIA. How many miles are on the vehicle, KIA also has a 10/120 Power Train Warranty if there is internal damage.
Automotive Expert
Please update me with the results of both the call to the company that did the work and the Code numbers. I wish you the best of luck with it! have a safe and prosperous new year!

75000 milesK. Thanks.

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