My car is jerking when idling

My car is jerking when idling Mechanic's Assistant: How many miles are on the car? What size is the engine? 159.412miles. 2.0L Mechanic's Assistant: What is the make/model/year of your car? Hyundai Tucson 2005 <...

Automotive Expert
Hello, my name is \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* to just answer! I will be assisting you with all of your vehicle questions today. I’m really sorry that you’re having this issue and I’m going to help you through it, but please understand that I (respectfully) don't know your skill level or tools you have to assist us to diagnose/repair your vehicle. My aim is to give you the best service possible and to help you. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to let me know. Sometimes it may take a moment for me to respond because I may have to look up information about your concern, so please allow up to 10 minutes for a reply. I appreciate your patience and will provide responses as soon as possible. Also, understand that I can't see, smell, hear or touch the vehicle either, so your patience/understanding is appreciated. I do not know anything about the fees or charge so please if you have any concerns, direct them to customer service. The site will prompt you for a phone call. **Ignore the pop-ups.** I will let you know if one is needed. Thank you. is the check engine light on?

it's on and it has been on and off since I bought it in 2016
Automotive Expert
ok, what are the fault codes that are stored in the computer?

Automotive Expert
standby please OK, the code is for slow response of the O2 sensor so either it has excess air holding it at one voltage output or excess fuel holding it at the other end. The computer has a timer that checks the output from the sensor after startup. The sensor has a heater that helps get it up to the 600 degree operating temperature at which time it starts producing voltage in relation to the amount of oxygen in the exhaust. The computer will vary the amount of fuel it injects and watch the sensor output to see that it changes in relation to the fuel. What sets the code is that the computer is not seeing the voltage response from the sensor after it should be warm and operating. It is seeing some response just not enough to pass the internal table programmed into the computer. If you are sure there are no intake or exhaust leaks the sensor output can be observed with an oscilloscope and if the output is correct but the computer still sets the code the computer will have to be replaced. I would find an independent shop to spend 1 hour of time to watch the sensor out put and see if it is correct or if you need to be looking for another cause such as a vacuum leak or leaking injector.
Automotive Expert
Thank you for letting me know you no longer need help. I want to make sure you are taken care of. But with no response, I can only give you what I already have. Have a great day. If you need to continue or if there is anything else I can assist with at all, let me know here and I will be happy to assist further!

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