I have a 2001 honda civic and when I start driving, step ...

I have a 2001 honda civic and when I start driving, step on the gas pedal, the rpm goes up but the car is sluggish and then will gradually pick up as I gradually step on the gas pedal on and off Mechanic's Assistant: Will ...

Automotive Expert
Hi my name is \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* honda master tech working for just answer. is your civic a automatic or manual and vtec or non vtec?

Automotive Expert
Have you checked for spark plug fouling? Have you done the valve adjustemnt? HAve you checked ignition timing or belt timing? Is the fuel bad? Fuel filter clogged? [Air filter](/topics-air-filter-honda/) clogged? Has the [transmission](/topics-transmission-honda/) been serviced?

I haven't checked the air filter, fuel filter. spark plugs or done valve adjustments
Automotive Expert
I would suggest starting with the basics, replacing the plugs, filters and having the valve adjustment done. You are way overdue on the timing belt too. The car needs regular maint in order to stay running etc and these are well overdue with time and im sure your car has well over 100,000 miles. If you arent able to do these services then i would seek out a trusted repair shop or dealer.

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