Is my electrical system messing up?
Glad to help you on this. Yes, if the turn signals are not working, even as the bulbs are OK, there is definitely an electrical problem. A certified technician, like one from YourMechanic, would simply trace the circuit until the...
I cannot take the key out of the ignition Even though the car does go into park, the little square around the P is not showing up. I am able to turn the car on shift into all gears just cannot get it to read that it's in park even...
I cannot take the key out of the ignition Even though the car does go into park, the little square around the P is not showing up. I am able to turn the car on shift into all gears just cannot get it to read that it's in park even though it is and cannot get the key out Mechanic's Assistant: How old is the [transmission](/topics-transmission-ford/)? Have you checked the [brake](/topics-brake-ford/) switch? It's an '01 Ford Escape, and no I have not checked the brake switch. I had another '01 Ford Escape & I had some similar issues with it as far as the ignition and changing gears it ended up being the shifter linkage cable. How do I check the brake switch Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your Escape yourself? What have you tried so far? Yes I will be fixing it myself So far I have checked fuses the shifter cable My next go-to will be taking the plastic unit around the ignition switch off to see if there's anything that's failing behind the shifter on the column that may be keeping it from allowing it to fully go into park. It does go into park it just doesn't read on the dash it's in park therefore not allowing me to take the key out. I know the divine hook the battery I can get it out But I don't want to have to do that I want to fix it Mechanic's Assistant: Anything else you want the Mechanic to know before I connect you? Just that it actually shifts into all gears I can turn the ignition over to each position, But I noticed my steering wheel does not lock. So I'm not sure if it's the shifter or something with the ignition switch