While driving, a couple weeks ago, lost the higher gears of transmission. Got it rebuilt (2k$), gears all work, but has had a transmission fuel leak since(warranty covered repair, if I ever get it to them). Then, trouble starting engine, and would stop running when I took foot off gas pedal. New alternator and belt, and as soon as I pulled out of repair lot and tried to merge into traffic, died. Pushed back to shop. New fuel pump. Made it 4 miles and all lights and dash instruments quit, and car died. I put in new battery, which was due, especially after all this. Fixed all lights and sounds, but still wouldnt turn over. 2nd tow was to dealer, where its at now. Im up to $3500.00 in repairs, tows, cabs, rental car and still without my Jeep. Im the only owner, bought new, just under 100k miles (is accurate), no problems til past month. Im at wits end and about out of money. Please help with sugg/experiences/ideas. All non transmission problems happened after the transmission repair work.
My car has 99500 miles.
My car has an automatic transmission.
If all the other problems started to happen after the transmission was removed and rebuilt, I would suspect that a wire harness has not been connected good or got pinned between the engine and transmission. I would also look for lose grounds to the transmission. These are only my first things I would check to make sure another repair is not causing the new problems. I have seen it too many times when another repair causes more problems from the poor work performed before me. This is not to say anything was done wrong, but you should check the work done first before moving on to new repairs. I have seen the totally integrated relay module cause all the problems you have also.
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