blown engine
Unless there is a contributing factor in the failure, such as a deteriorated hose or hose clamp failure, the person who improperly connected the radiator hose is the only person responsible for repairing or replacing the engine. They may do...
My coolant in my car keeps continually draining after a month. But I don’t see any fluid on the ground where I park my car everyday. Is possible I have A leak? Mechanic's Assistant: How old are the hoses? And what driving ...
My coolant in my car keeps continually draining after a month. But I don’t see any fluid on the ground where I park my car everyday. Is possible I have A leak? Mechanic's Assistant: How old are the hoses? And what driving conditions do you most often encounter? Honesty I couldn’t tell you exactly because it’s my first car and it’s used. So I would say 2013 when it was made. But my driving conditions? I drove inner city and rare occasions on the freeway. Idk if that’s what you mean Mechanic's Assistant: What is the make/model of your '13 car? Dodge Avenger sub model SXT Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your Avenger yourself? What have you tried so far? No I’m not fixing It. I just check my coolant and it constantly running low Mechanic's Assistant: Anything else you want the Mechanic to know before I connect you? I think that’s it