AC is not cooling
Hi there. The A/C compressors are known for failing on these vehicles quite often. There are countless reasons your A/C might not be working, ranging from low refrigerant to electrical issues. I suggest you have a certified mechanic, such as...
My chevy impala 3900 v6 goes in to reverse but want go in to drive or first or second or third gear Mechanic's Assistant: How many miles are on the Chevrolet? Have you noticed any fluid leaks lately? Don't remember the mi...
My chevy impala 3900 v6 goes in to reverse but want go in to drive or first or second or third gear Mechanic's Assistant: How many miles are on the Chevrolet? Have you noticed any fluid leaks lately? Don't remember the miles and hit has no leaks Mechanic's Assistant: What year is your Impala? 2010 Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your Impala yourself? What have you tried so far? I changed the oil panel in no I'm not fixing it myself