Advice on buying a Rav4
Out of those options, I'd say buy the '04 RAV4 ( The earlier ones had some problems with the oxygen sensors ( and catalytic converters ( The '04's really didn't. I'd say get yourself an '04. They are really well...
Change [oil filter](/topics-oil-filter-chevy/) and screen still gives me high voltage code Mechanic's Assistant: When was your last oil change? 2 weeks ago Mechanic's Assistant: What is the make/model/year of your...
Change [oil filter](/topics-oil-filter-chevy/) and screen still gives me high voltage code Mechanic's Assistant: When was your last oil change? 2 weeks ago Mechanic's Assistant: What is the make/model/year of your car? 2012 Chevy Silverado Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your vehicle yourself? What have you tried so far? Change the sensor and filter