Have a problem with my mk6 jetta. Seems girlfriend starte...

Have a problem with my mk6 jetta. Seems girlfriend started to hear grinding in her brakes and I checked her brake fluid and it was empty. I replaced the brake fluid and pumped the brake but I do still find it grinding. Any ideas? ...

Have a problem with my mk6 jetta. Seems girlfriend started to hear grinding in her brakes and I checked her brake fluid and it was empty. I replaced the brake fluid and pumped the brake but I do still find it grinding. Any ideas? Mechanic's Assistant: Have you checked the brake fluid? When was it last changed? It was very low but I topped it up. It was changed when she got her brakes replaced Mechanic's Assistant: What year is your Jetta? 2012 Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your Jetta yourself? What have you tried so far? Yes. I’ve only replaced fluid and checked brake pads and all seem fine

Automotive Expert
Hello, Welcome to Just Answer. My name is\*\*\*\*\* would be delighted to assist you today. I'm sorry you're having trouble with your vehicle today. The website will offer you a phone call. Feel free to accept or decline this service. It does not come directly from me. I cannot provide phone assistance outside the US. Please give me a few moments to go over your concerns. While I'm reviewing your case, would you mind sending me your VIN? This will allow me to give you the most accurate information possible based on your specific vehicle. Please know this is not an auto response message system. We are full time Automotive technicians, who field cases as they come in. If you do not receive a prompt response, this means we have stepped away momentarily or are working on your case as well as many others. Please be patient as we work through this. May I ask your name?

My name is \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* the Vin number is \*\*\*\*\*
Automotive Expert
Hey Andrew if the Brakes are Grinding and the fluid was low you probably need pads and rotors..You should pull the wheels and check the brakes

Girlfriend said brakes suddenly started grinding and came home. That’s when I checked fluid and topped it up. I pumped the brake pedal and the level seemed to stay.I checked the pads and rotors and seems fine. Minor wear but back pads were replaced as well as rear passenger caliper
Automotive Expert
The gringing is metal to metal brakes pads and rotors are the fix

I understand that grinding is metal to metal but 2 brake pads are new and 2 have well over half inch left
Automotive Expert
have you physically checked the pads?

All brake pads and rotors are in this condition
Automotive Expert
have you looked at the inner pads?

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