Keeping the cabin of your car warm during the frigid temperatures of winter can be a lot easier said than done. If even one of the components of the heater are not working properly, it can prohibit the warm air from filling the cabin of the vehicle. Most car owners are unaware about just how many things have to work together in order for their car’s heater to function. The blower selector switch that is located in the cabin of the car helps to regulate the flow of air being let in. The heater blower motor resistor is what allows for you to select the different blower speeds.
The blower motor resistor is designed to last for the car’s lifespan. In most cases, these resistors will wear out long before the car does. Usually, the wear that the blower motor resistor has is due to the constant use that it gets and the heat that it is exposed on a regular basis. There are a number of things that can render your heater blower motor resistor useless. By keeping an eye out for repair issues with this part, you will be able to keep your heater blowing strong when needed. The professionals will usually check the resistor by getting a reading on how much electricity it is putting out.
If the electricity that the blower motor resistor is putting out is not enough to keep the blower fan regulated, it will need to be replaced. The heating and A/C system on your car is considered a closed unit, which is why it will not be checked during routine maintenance procedures. The only time that this resistor will get attention is when it is in need of repairs. The following are some of the things that you may notice when your heater blower motor resistor is broken:
- The blower motor will not operate on all of the speeds
- The air coming from the vents is very weak
- There is no air coming from the vents
As soon as you start to notice one or more of these issues, it may be time to have your heating system checked. If you find that there are problems with the heater blower motor resistor, have a certified mechanic help you replace the heater blower motor resistor for you to help re-gain control of heat in your car.