When you get into your vehicle, you simply expect the air conditioner or the heater to work when you need them. When something goes wrong with these systems, it can make driving unbearable in some climates. Consider the following things that you need to know about your heating and cooling system so you can try to keep it in good working order.
What Causes the Heater or AC to Stop Working?
Many different things can cause the air conditioning and the heater in your vehicle to stop working. There could be an issue with the blower, there could be a leak in the cooling system, or a bad thermostat, for example. There could also be a problem with the heater core.
Are Issues With Heating and AC Common?
When it comes to newer vehicles, there is rarely a problem with the heater or the AC unless it is a manufacturing defect. Most vehicles that are new will not have any issues with these systems until they’ve gone 60,000 miles or more. With older vehicles, it is more common to have issues with the systems.
Know Your Vehicle’s System
Understand how your car or truck’s heating system works, and what is “normal” for the vehicle, so it will be easier to determine when there is an issue that needs attention. Read the vehicle’s manual to ensure you understand the proper use of the system and how all of the controls work. Some vehicles may have more advanced heating and cooling options that are different from previous vehicles you’ve owned. A qualified mechanic can professionally diagnose any problems with your air conditioning and heating units and inform you of any necessary repairs.
What Could Prevent Issues With the Heating and the AC?
The best way to make sure that your vehicle’s heating and air conditioning systems continue to work properly is by ensuring proper maintenance. Knowing a qualified mechanic that has expertise in and understands the heating and cooling system in your vehicle is essential.
You want to be as comfortable as possible when you are driving, and a huge part of that is having air conditioning and heating. It is important to take good care of the vehicle and to keep up with scheduled maintenance tasks so the heating and cooling system lasts for many years to come.