When it comes to purchasing a used car, there are certainly an enormous number from which to choose. Taking a look at used car reviews can help you narrow your choices, but there are a few essential things you need to know when consulting them.
Narrow Your Choices
If you enter a search for used car reviews, you will pull up hundreds of thousands of results. Take the time to consider the type of vehicle you are interested in, and then narrow down your choices to a few different models. This will make reading through the reviews much easier and less time consuming.
Consider the Source
In most cases, anyone can submit a used car review. This is both a good and bad thing, as it can lead to people posting erroneous reviews in an effort to convince people to choose one brand over another. The best way to avoid this is to make sure you’re using a reputable source for the reviews. Generally, organizations such as Consumer Reports, Edmunds, Car and Driver and other similar options will provide unbiased information.
Read More Than One
When searching through reviews, it can be easy simply to read the first one you come across and be done with it. However, you’d be doing yourself a serious disservice. While one person may purchase a great car, another could end up with a lemon. Take the time to read several reviews before you make a decision on the vehicle you want. This is the best way to see if there are any issues or concerns that are repeated over multiple reviews.
Decipher the Information
There are times when a used car review is based more on the driver’s experience with a particular car lot or brand than on the actual vehicle. Make sure you are weeding these out, as they should not play a role in your own purchasing decision – unless, of course, you plan to purchase from the same dealer.
Don’t Rely Totally on Reviews
Understand that used car reviews are guidance. You will want to use your best judgment when making a purchase. If the vehicle seems to have obvious issues, you should consider another available option regardless of what you read in the reviews. You should also plan to take the car on a test drive, no matter where you purchase it.
If you are considering a used car, make sure to contact YourMechanic for a pre-purchase car inspection so you know exactly what you’re buying.