Depends on where the noise is coming from on your Mercedes C320. If it is from the front end, then it is likely a worn suspension component such as a sway bar link ( or a steering component like a...
This may be a sign of warped brake rotors. As you may know, when you press on your brake pedal, this activates a hydraulic pressure which forces small pistons inside your brake calipers to push the brake pads against the...
The problem could be with the convertible top module, hydraulic system, cables or latches. The diagnostic procedure for your top says to start by checking for diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) in the convertible top module. Then, the convertible top limit...
There should be stored trouble codes that once downloaded will narrow the focus of the diagnostic. If you suspect that the accelerator pedal sensor (aka, "pedal value sensor") is faulty, that component has to be tested to rule it in...
In order to try and locate a vibration due to an aftermarket radio with heavy bass you would need to try and touch each body part until you find the part that is vibrating and then a fix may be...
It sounds like you may have had the thermostat stuck closed for a short time and then open up and temperature went down. I would recommend you get the engine coolant thermostat replaced before thermostat stops working all together and...
Hello, thank you for writing in. The technician's do not have the ability to create proper quotes due to the pricing of labor and parts being dependent on your location. With that being said, I can share some of the...
Codes can't be the "basis" for replacing ANY part on a car. Codes ONLY provide clues to mechanics as to the origin of a fault and the ONLY use of these clues is they permit identification of the parts and...
Hello. Ironically, I happen to have a 2000 CLK 430 as well and I experienced an almost identical scenario as you did. I had a fog light out on my vehicle, thinking it was a bulb I went ahead and...
The 2001 LS430 Owner's Manual ( refers to an upper limit of 85 MPH in terms of cruise control settings. Apart from that, there is no ECU limit or user-programmable upper speed limit. On some cars, you can program individual...
Hello. Thank you for writing in. It sounds like you need to replace the thermostat housing, and possibly the thermostat as well. The temperature gauge on your dashboard is commonly misunderstood. The thermostat and temperature gauge will only give you...
Hi! Commonly, a coolant leak on your particular vehicle will be from a thermostat, bad hose connection, or a cracked radiator. I suggest pressure testing the cooling system to help highlight the area that may be leaking. If a Check...
I couldn't find any information on resetting the module. Usually they continually check for faults every key cycle. After a repair it should reset itself. However, I did find that in several cases that the blower motor and the blower...
The a/c compressors are known to intermittently not engage on these vehicles and once the systems pressures are verified and no other component is tested bad then the compressor clutch should be checked to see if it is getting power...
Hello, thank you for writing in. Something is wrong with the sensor on the latch for the trunk. Scan the vehicle for diagnostic codes to see if anything comes up. You can check the wiring directly to the sensor and...
Hi There, What you are describing sounds like a bad or worn out ball joint. A ball joint is designed to pivot through multiple planes. Of course, because the ball joint constantly pivots at different angles, it tends to wear...
Hi there - YourMechanic does not offer lower caster bushing (aka control arm bushing replacement as a service. Replacing bushings in aluminum control arms in the field is a somewhat risky procedure in the best of circumstances. YourMechanic recommends, and...
A differential can indeed fail without warning, but there are usually some ugly noises associated with it. As for your shifter, I believe your model still uses a lever connection between the shifter and the transmission. It should be easy...