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Brake sensor is to sensitive causing brakes to flicker while driving. 2005 Mercury Montego
Hi there - your brake light switch ( needs a minor adjustment. It is adjusted too "tight" or close to the brake pedal lever, or possibly has failed. Adjusting/replacing it will eliminate this flickering problem. I recommend a brake light...
Difficult to turn my steering wheel to the left, but not right
Hi there, The description you have given of the steering being hard to turn in one direction, leads me to believe, the rack and pinion is at fault. The power steering pump failure, would make it difficult to turn in...
Sporadic RPM surging while stopped in the traffic
Fault codes should be read out of the ECM on your 2006 Mercury Montego. All connectors on the engine harness and at the ECU need to be checked for condensation and/or water ingress as these will cause drivability problems. I...
I have,a 2005 mercury montego it has a code p0320 and p2106 where should I start first cam or crank
Hello, thank you for writing in. Due to the codes that you have currently, you will want to start with the crankshaft position sensor. You can test it with a multi-meter or voltmeter if you are equipped. If may be...
Bank 1 and Bank 2 running lean
If lean faults occur after the manifold was removed and reinstalled, this indicates a vacuum leak ( which also means that unmetered air is coming into the intake. Either a vacuum line ( or induction pipe is loose, or the...

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